I would like to dedicate this episode to the people that are developing space systems for the colonization of space, using ROS-based robots. If you are involved in this progress of humanity, this episode is dedicated to you.
But before going into that, let me tell you about the ‘Managing fleets of robots with ROS2 Online Training’ that is organized by The Construct. In this training, you will learn how to make multiple robots navigate in a ROS2 environment, and how to use the Open-RMF to manage different fleets: how to coordinate, how to decide which robot serves which task, when to go to refill batteries, open doors at robot command, and many more things.
This is a live online training, but all the lessons are practice-based (with both simulation and real robots) and teacher lead. We have even created a cafeteria to which you will connect remotely from your location and do your practice there!
Now let me introduce you Alex Sowell and Misha Savchenko. Alex and Misha work on the Dexterous Robotics Team at NASA’s Johnson Space Center. Alex is is Technical Lead for Robotics at CACI International, and Misha is Software Lead at METECS. They both work together to build the next generation of robots for NASA.