In this video we show how to use git in RDS.
We do that by showing how to use git to clone a Gazebo Simulation of the Parrot Ardrone on the ~/simulation_ws (Simulation Workspace) and also we use git to clone a training package to the ~/catkin_ws (Catkin Workspace). This last package is used to train the robot.
Important thins about the video:
1. We use RDS (ROS Development Studio) available at:
2. The drone_training package used is available at:
3. The Parrot Ardrone simulation is available at:
4. If you want more details about the drone_training package you can go to
5. The simulation was cloned to ~/simulation_ws/src
6. The training package was cloned to ~/catkin_ws/src
7. To start the training we used: roslaunch drone_training main.launch
If you prefer to use your own computer, you just have to install:
1. ROS (
2. OpenAI (
3. Have a Gazebo simulation (
I managed to change the state that is being passed to the learning algorithm from the coordinates on the x-axes to the x-y-z axes (all the coordinates).
However, i want to pass the compressed camera images to the q learning algorithm, but i am getting a problem after launching the main.launch file: the exception of the camera data is being received and the process will not continue.
Any suggestions? here is the edited the piece of code i am adding to the “” file:
def take_observation (self):
data_pose = None
while data_pose is None:
data_pose = rospy.wait_for_message(‘/drone/gt_pose’, Pose, timeout=5)
rospy.loginfo(“Current drone pose not ready yet, retrying for getting robot pose”)
data_imu = None
while data_imu is None:
data_imu = rospy.wait_for_message(‘/drone/imu’, Imu, timeout=5)
rospy.loginfo(“Current drone imu not ready yet, retrying for getting robot imu”)
data_cam = None
while data_cam is None:
data_cam = rospy.wait_for_message(‘/drone/sonar’, Range, timeout=5)
rospy.loginfo(“Current drone front_image compressed not ready yet, retrying for getting robot rompressed”)
return data_pose, data_imu