In case you are thinking about buying some robots for your class on robotics, here you are going to find a list of some of the most interesting ones, based on my own experience as teacher of robotics at University of LaSalle Barcelona. The list contains a series of...
News, Updates, & Resources
Why you should learn ROS before AI or Robotics
So the question is, wether it pays any value to learn ROS without even knowing Robotics or AI. Well it depends on your learning approach. I personally do not like the Wikipedia approach to learning. What I mean by Wikipedia approach is the way of teaching where the...
Teaching Robotics to University Students from Home
The world has changed in 2020. Due to the coronavirus, all our social interactions have been reduced. This has led to universities closing and students learning from home. Teaching has moved online. You can teach almost any subject online; however, some subjects are...
ROS Awards 2020 Results
The ROS Awards aim to become the Oscars of the ROS world. The intention of these awards is to express recognition for contributions to the ROS community and the development of the ROS-based robot industry, and to help them gain awareness. Conditions Selection of the...
ROBOAds: using robots to market services with Faysal ElChamaa
This episode is dedicated to all those people that are building business on top of ROS. I mean, people that take existing ROS packages, existing ROS robots, existing ROS applications and integrates all that into a product. A product that sells. Today we are going to...
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