In this video we will learn how to setup your local computer to use the Vector SDK to execute your own custom programs to
play with VECTOR. Access all the VECTOR API with 3 simple steps in Ubuntu 16
Install SDK in ALL OS:
Setup Script fro Vector in Local computer:
Here you can find the list of materials that you will need for this session:
Vector Robot: https://www.amazon.es/Anki-000-0079-Vector/dp/B078T42JCM
Vector Robot Playing Space ( reccomended to avoid any problems with flying Vectors :P): https://www.amazon.es/Anki-000-0078-Habitat-Vector-Space/dp/B07G3QSX8G
Original Track:https://youtu.be/FBv6rm1lY0w
Thanks to NewRetroWave for letting us use their music.
Here more info:
New Retro Wave + Bachelor of Hearts Aurora Borealis
Smooth vibes for you retro soul. Listen and enjoy.
OUT NOW on NRW Records:
iTunes: http://apple.co/2r6N1T7
Artwork provided by Murryous, who is our featured artist for May. Please support him:
Hang Ups (Want You) 4:04 Otis McDonald Hip hop y rap | Dramática
Puedes usar esta canción en cualquiera de tus vídeos.
Local Elevator de Kevin MacLeod está sujeta a una licencia de Creative Commons Attribution (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Fuente: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1300012
Artista: http://incompetech.com/
No Copyright Motion Graphics
Motion Graphics provided by https://www.youtubestock.com
YouTube Channel: https://goo.gl/aayJRf
3D Models:
Orange Robot:
In this video we start a new video series which will revolve around Deep learning (thanks for the amazing support you gave to the youtube poll asking this ).
We will use Vector robot from ANKI as platform to execute our own projects, due to its ease of use and robustness. Its also a very cheap robot for the amazing spech you get.
We will unbox it and compare it with the OLD COZMO. Stay to the end because we have recorded some nice Vector with COZMO play.
Here you can find the list of materials that you will need for this session:
Vector Robot: https://www.amazon.es/Anki-000-0079-Vector/dp/B078T42JCM
Vector Robot Playing Space ( reccomended to avoid any problems with flying Vectors :P): https://www.amazon.es/Anki-000-0078-Habitat-Vector-Space/dp/B07G3QSX8G
Original Track:https://youtu.be/FBv6rm1lY0w
Thanks to NewRetroWave for letting us use their music.
Here more info:
New Retro Wave + Bachelor of Hearts Aurora Borealis
Smooth vibes for you retro soul. Listen and enjoy.
OUT NOW on NRW Records:
iTunes: http://apple.co/2r6N1T7
Artwork provided by Murryous, who is our featured artist for May. Please support him:
Hang Ups (Want You) 4:04 Otis McDonald Hip hop y rap | Dramática
Puedes usar esta canción en cualquiera de tus vídeos.
Local Elevator de Kevin MacLeod está sujeta a una licencia de Creative Commons Attribution (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Fuente: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1300012
Artista: http://incompetech.com/
Want to use this video? You must put this in your video description:
No Copyright Motion Graphics
Motion Graphics provided by https://www.youtubestock.com
YouTube Channel: https://goo.gl/aayJRf
3D Models:
Orange Robot:
In this extra video, we run the first AgentSmith Awards and show you how to connect in less than
5minutes to the Robots ROS system with ROS Development Studio, with just a few clicks.
Chris Macier Facebook:
SmithAgent Model:
If you have been awarded one you have the right to print it and brag around internet ;).
Original Track:https://youtu.be/FBv6rm1lY0w
Thanks to NewRetroWave for letting us use their music.
Here more info:
New Retro Wave + Bachelor of Hearts Aurora Borealis
Smooth vibes for you retro soul. Listen and enjoy.
OUT NOW on NRW Records:
iTunes: http://apple.co/2r6N1T7
Artwork provided by Murryous, who is our featured artist for May. Please support him:
This is the last video of this RaspBerryPi RGB camera robot. In this video, we talk about the
code modifications were done to the line follower to adapt it to the real robot needs and limitations.
We also so the setup for the camera. And finally, we see a demonstration of how it performs.
We also ask YOU PEOPLE which new project we could work on next! Any suggestions?
Usefull links:
ROSJECT: Project with all the code one click away:http://www.rosject.io/l/8292943/
Here you can find the list of materials that you will need for this session:
Camera Mount: https://www.amazon.es/gp/product/B075KPLSG1
Servo Mount: https://www.amazon.es/KINGDUO-Soporte-Manipulador-Robótico-Mount-Negro/dp/B07M8LSVMY
Industrial Velcro: https://www.amazon.es/VELCRO-VEL-EC60241-Cinta-adhesiva-fuerte/dp/B00186Q9AK
9V Battery: https://www.amazon.es/Energizer-201537-Pila-6LR61-6LF22
9V Battery Support+Connector: https://www.amazon.es/Ils-Battery-Storage-Container-Holder/dp/B0768DJTL7
Want to learn more about how to Rosify a robot:
Original Track:https://youtu.be/FBv6rm1lY0w
Thanks to NewRetroWave for letting us use their music.
Here more info:
New Retro Wave + Bachelor of Hearts Aurora Borealis
Smooth vibes for you retro soul. Listen and enjoy.
OUT NOW on NRW Records:
iTunes: http://apple.co/2r6N1T7
Artwork provided by Murryous, who is our featured artist for May. Please support him:
Hang Ups (Want You) 4:04 Otis McDonald Hip hop y rap | Dramática
Puedes usar esta canción en cualquiera de tus vídeos.
Local Elevator de Kevin MacLeod está sujeta a una licencia de Creative Commons Attribution (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Fuente: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1300012
Artista: http://incompetech.com/
No Copyright Motion Graphics
Motion Graphics provided by https://www.youtubestock.com
YouTube Channel: https://goo.gl/aayJRf
3D Models:
Orange Robot:
Here you can find the list of materials that you will need for this session:
RapsBerryPi Kit ( RaspBerry, PowerBrick, microSD16GB, Case, HDMI ) : https://www.amazon.es/Raspberry-Pi-Official-Desktop-Starter/dp/B01CI58722
H Bridge Motor Driver Hats : https://www.amazon.es/gp/product/B071FWNBXG
Batery: https://www.amazon.es/Kuman-expansión-alimentación-Interruptor-Raspberry/dp/B06W9FWDSP
Jumper Wires: https://www.amazon.es/Akozon-Conectores-Macho-Hembra-Macho-Macho-Hembra-Hembra/dp/B07GJLCGG8
Jack Connectors: https://www.amazon.es/gp/product/B06XPVJT1Z
AA Bateries: https://www.amazon.es/Energizer-Set-pilas-alcalinas-unidades/dp/B000IWXV4C
BluetoothKeyBoard: https://www.amazon.es/Rii-Bluetooth-disposición-Smartphone-PlayStation/dp/B0195Y4V5G
Want to learn more about how to Rosify a robot:
Original Track:https://youtu.be/FBv6rm1lY0w
Thanks to NewRetroWave for letting us use their music.
Here more info:
New Retro Wave + Bachelor of Hearts Aurora Borealis
Smooth vibes for you retro soul. Listen and enjoy.
OUT NOW on NRW Records:
iTunes: http://apple.co/2r6N1T7
Artwork provided by Murryous, who is our featured artist for May. Please support him:
Hang Ups (Want You) 4:04 Otis McDonald Hip hop y rap | Dramática
Puedes usar esta canción en cualquiera de tus vídeos.
No Copyright Motion Graphics
Motion Graphics provided by https://www.youtubestock.com
YouTube Channel: https://goo.gl/aayJRf
Learn how to create a differential drive with python for RaspBerryPi, using the ROS system.
This is the first part of a three-part video for creating a line following robot with a camera.
The code used in this post will be used to launch the real robot, but if you want to know how things would “before putting in production”, we can use the simulation for that. To launch the simulation, you first click in the ROSject link provided above (http://www.rosject.io/l/8292943/) to get a copy of it. Once you have it, you then you click on the Open button:
Creating your own robot from Scratch in ROSDS
Now that the ROSject is open, you can run the simulation clicking on Simulations -> Select a Launch file and select under the duckietown_gazebo the file morpheus_chair.launch :
Launching dickietown_gazebo morpheus_chair.launch in ROSDS
We should now have the simulation up and running, more or less like in the image below:
Real Robot with Raspberry PI simulated in ROSDS
Analyzing the code using the IDE (Code Editor)
To see the code, you just click Tools -> IDE. With the IDE open, you then open ~/simulation_ws/src/morpheus_chair/morpheus_chair_pkg/scripts/move_with_cmd_vel.py to see the RobotMover class used to move the robot around:
You can also open the file morpheus_chair/morpheus_chair_pkg/scripts/motor_driver.py to see the class that we use to control the motors:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import rospy
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import time
class MotorDriver(object):
def __init__(self, wheel_distance=0.098, wheel_diameter=0.066, i_BASE_PWM=50, i_MULTIPLIER_STANDARD=0.1, i_MULTIPLIER_PIVOT=1.0, simple_mode = True):
M1 = Right Wheel
M2 = Left Wheel
:param wheel_distance: Distance Between wheels in meters
:param wheel_diameter: Diameter of the wheels in meters
self.PIN = 18
self.PWMA1 = 6
self.PWMA2 = 13
self.PWMB1 = 20
self.PWMB2 = 21
self.D1 = 12
self.D2 = 26
self.PWM1 = 0
self.PWM2 = 0
self.MAX_PWM = 100
self.simple_mode = simple_mode
# Wheel and chasis dimensions
self._wheel_distance = wheel_distance
self._wheel_radius = wheel_diameter / 2.0
GPIO.setup(self.PWMA1, GPIO.OUT)
GPIO.setup(self.PWMA2, GPIO.OUT)
GPIO.setup(self.PWMB1, GPIO.OUT)
GPIO.setup(self.PWMB2, GPIO.OUT)
GPIO.setup(self.D1, GPIO.OUT)
GPIO.setup(self.D2, GPIO.OUT)
self.p1 = GPIO.PWM(self.D1, 500)
self.p2 = GPIO.PWM(self.D2, 500)
def __del__(self):
def set_motor(self, A1, A2, B1, B2):
GPIO.output(self.PWMA1, A1)
GPIO.output(self.PWMA2, A2)
GPIO.output(self.PWMB1, B1)
GPIO.output(self.PWMB2, B2)
def forward(self):
self.set_motor(0, 1, 0, 1)
def stop(self):
self.set_motor(0, 0, 0, 0)
def reverse(self):
self.set_motor(1, 0, 1, 0)
def left(self):
self.set_motor(0, 1, 0, 0)
def left_reverse(self):
self.set_motor(1, 0, 0, 0)
def pivot_left(self):
self.set_motor(1, 0, 0, 1)
def right(self):
self.set_motor(0, 0, 0, 1)
def right_reverse(self):
self.set_motor(0, 0, 1, 0)
def pivot_right(self):
self.set_motor(0, 1, 1, 0)
def set_M1M2_speed(self, rpm_speedM1, rpm_speedM2, multiplier):
self.set_M1_speed(rpm_speedM1, multiplier)
self.set_M2_speed(rpm_speedM2, multiplier)
def set_M1_speed(self, rpm_speed, multiplier):
self.PWM1 = min(int((rpm_speed * multiplier) * self.BASE_PWM), self.MAX_PWM)
def set_M2_speed(self, rpm_speed, multiplier):
self.PWM2 = min(int(rpm_speed * multiplier * self.BASE_PWM), self.MAX_PWM)
def calculate_body_turn_radius(self, linear_speed, angular_speed):
if angular_speed != 0.0:
body_turn_radius = linear_speed / angular_speed
# Not turning, infinite turn radius
body_turn_radius = None
return body_turn_radius
def calculate_wheel_turn_radius(self, body_turn_radius, angular_speed, wheel):
if body_turn_radius is not None:
if angular_speed > 0.0:
angular_speed_sign = 1
elif angular_speed < 0.0:
angular_speed_sign = -1
angular_speed_sign = 0.0
if wheel == "right":
wheel_sign = 1
elif wheel == "left":
wheel_sign = -1
assert False, "Wheel Name not supported, left or right only."
wheel_turn_radius = body_turn_radius + ( wheel_sign * (self._wheel_distance / 2.0))
wheel_turn_radius = None
return wheel_turn_radius
def calculate_wheel_rpm(self, linear_speed, angular_speed, wheel_turn_radius):
Omega_wheel = Linear_Speed_Wheel / Wheel_Radius
Linear_Speed_Wheel = Omega_Turn_Body * Radius_Turn_Wheel
--> If there is NO Omega_Turn_Body, Linear_Speed_Wheel = Linear_Speed_Body
:param angular_speed:
:param wheel_turn_radius:
if wheel_turn_radius is not None:
# The robot is turning
wheel_rpm = (angular_speed * wheel_turn_radius) / self._wheel_radius
# Its not turning therefore the wheel speed is the same as the body
wheel_rpm = linear_speed / self._wheel_radius
return wheel_rpm
def set_wheel_movement(self, right_wheel_rpm, left_wheel_rpm):
if right_wheel_rpm > 0.0 and left_wheel_rpm > 0.0:
#print("All forwards")
self.set_M1M2_speed(abs(right_wheel_rpm), abs(left_wheel_rpm), self.MULTIPLIER_STANDARD)
if self.simple_mode:
# We make it turn only on one wheel
if right_wheel_rpm > left_wheel_rpm:
if right_wheel_rpm < left_wheel_rpm:
if right_wheel_rpm == left_wheel_rpm:
#print("GO FORWARDS")
#print("GO FORWARDS")
elif right_wheel_rpm > 0.0 and left_wheel_rpm == 0.0:
#print("Right Wheel forwards, left stop")
self.set_M1M2_speed(abs(right_wheel_rpm), abs(left_wheel_rpm), self.MULTIPLIER_STANDARD)
elif right_wheel_rpm > 0.0 and left_wheel_rpm < 0.0:
#print("Right Wheel forwards, left backwards --> Pivot left")
self.set_M1M2_speed(abs(right_wheel_rpm), abs(left_wheel_rpm), self.MULTIPLIER_PIVOT)
elif right_wheel_rpm == 0.0 and left_wheel_rpm > 0.0:
#print("Right stop, left forwards")
self.set_M1M2_speed(abs(right_wheel_rpm), abs(left_wheel_rpm), self.MULTIPLIER_STANDARD)
elif right_wheel_rpm < 0.0 and left_wheel_rpm > 0.0:
#print("Right backwards, left forwards --> Pivot right")
self.set_M1M2_speed(abs(right_wheel_rpm), abs(left_wheel_rpm), self.MULTIPLIER_PIVOT)
elif right_wheel_rpm < 0.0 and left_wheel_rpm < 0.0:
#print("All backwards")
self.set_M1M2_speed(abs(right_wheel_rpm), abs(left_wheel_rpm), self.MULTIPLIER_STANDARD)
if self.simple_mode:
# We make it turn only on one wheel
if abs(right_wheel_rpm) > abs(left_wheel_rpm):
if abs(right_wheel_rpm) < abs(left_wheel_rpm):
if right_wheel_rpm == left_wheel_rpm:
#print("GO BACKWARDS")
elif right_wheel_rpm == 0.0 and left_wheel_rpm == 0.0:
#print("Right stop, left stop")
self.set_M1M2_speed(abs(right_wheel_rpm), abs(left_wheel_rpm), self.MULTIPLIER_STANDARD)
assert False, "A case wasn't considered==>"+str(right_wheel_rpm)+","+str(left_wheel_rpm)
def set_cmd_vel(self, linear_speed, angular_speed):
body_turn_radius = self.calculate_body_turn_radius(linear_speed, angular_speed)
wheel = "right"
right_wheel_turn_radius = self.calculate_wheel_turn_radius(body_turn_radius,
wheel = "left"
left_wheel_turn_radius = self.calculate_wheel_turn_radius(body_turn_radius,
right_wheel_rpm = self.calculate_wheel_rpm(linear_speed, angular_speed, right_wheel_turn_radius)
left_wheel_rpm = self.calculate_wheel_rpm(linear_speed, angular_speed, left_wheel_turn_radius)
self.set_wheel_movement(right_wheel_rpm, left_wheel_rpm)
Explaining all the details of the code above in this post can be time-consuming. Then, we recommend watching the live version of this post in youtube, following the link at the end of this post if you want to know the tiny details of the file.
Moving the robot around
In order to move the robot, we first have to launch the motor drivers using the command below in the shell. If you don’t know to open the shell, click Tools -> Shell. Then run the command:
We hope you liked the post. If you prefer, we also have a live version of it in YouTube with all the details. Please have a look following the link below:
More Resources
New Retro Wave + Bachelor of Hearts Aurora Borealis
Smooth vibes for you retro soul. Listen and enjoy.
OUT NOW on NRW Records:
iTunes: http://apple.co/2r6N1T7
Artwork provided by Murryous, who is our featured artist for May. Please support him:
Hang Ups (Want You) 4:04 Otis McDonald Hip hop y rap | Dramática
Puedes usar esta canción en cualquiera de tus vídeos.
No Copyright Motion Graphics
Motion Graphics provided by https://www.youtubestock.com
YouTube Channel: https://goo.gl/aayJRf