In case you are thinking about buying some robots for your class on robotics, here you are going to find a list of some of the most interesting ones, based on my own experience as teacher of robotics at University of LaSalle Barcelona.
The list contains a series of robots that you as a teacher can consider buying for making your students practice with real robots using ROS.
We received no money, commission or any type of compensation for showing the robots of the list. It just expresses my personal opinion.
They must be robots that run with ROS, either off-the-shelf or because the manufacturer provides the drivers. I’m not taking into account robots that the manufacturer does not provide ROS drivers, even if somebody else has created the drivers. The reason is that usually, drivers created by third parties are not properly maintained, so you may end with a robot whose driver only runs in ROS C-Turtle.
I have selected the robots that you can fully buy. I’m not including experiments that you may try based on a website with some list of materials. Basically, the criteria is that after bying, you will receive a box with the robot or pieces to build it.
You must be able to use the robot for your own purpose. So I’m not including ROS robots that are part of a robotics solution (like warehouse handling, stock control, …).
If the robot does not comply with those criteria, we are discarding the robot from the list.
It may happen that your robot does meet the criteria and is not included in the list. Please let me know my errors in the comments section below, and I’ll be happy to update the post.
Do It Yourself Robots
Those are robots that you buy online and receive all the pieces in a box, with the instructions ready to build. They are very small size (they fit on your desk) and are based on a basic sensor.
List of robots:
Linorobots, by Juan Jimeno: a series of build-yourself differential drive wheeled ROS robots with laser sensor created by Juan Jimeno. You can build several types of robots with them and learn about the basic concepts of robotics like robot kinematics, obstacle avoidance or robot navigation.
Duckiebot, by the Duckietown Project: very simple ROS robots based on differential drive and camera to learn about visually based navigation. Those robots are part of the Duckietown project, a larger project that builds a complete city where those robots must learn to navigate around, taking into account traffic signals, and other robots around.
JetBot CUDA robot: this is a small wheeled robot based on a Nvidia Jetson Nano card. This makes the robot an interesting option if you want to use deep learning with your robot since the card is equipped with CUDA cores.
Small Wheeled Robots
Those are robots of small-medium size that have wheels to move around. They are best suited for learning or teaching.
List of robots:
Turtlebot 2: this the most famous robot in the ROS world. Almost everyone learning ROS has used this robot for testing. It is a midsize robot with a differential drive, bumpers and a point cloud device. This robot allows practicing robot navigation. It is a good tool for teaching robotics navigation and kinematics.
Turtlebot 3, by Robotis: the next generation of Turtlebot, in a smaller size and in two different configurations and includes a 360º laser. This robot is small enough to fit on your desktop. They include multiple wholes in their structure so you can add your own structures on top. This is one of the few robots that works with ROS2.
ROSbot by Husarion: the ROSbot is a very compact robot including several sensors: lidar, point cloud device and infrared sensors. Very good for learning and teaching. This robot also works with ROS2.
Robot Manipulators
Those are robots arms that may or may not include a gripper. Robot manipulators are usually attached to a fixed platform, but can also be combined with a mobile platform to create a mobile manipulator. By the way, I refuse to call them cobots
List of robots:
Open Manipulator, by Robotis: it is an open source design of a robotic arm of small size that you can have on your desktop. The joints use dynamixel servos. Given the small size and open source spirit, it is very well indicated for learning and teaching. It has 4 DOF and a small gripper.
CRANE-X7, by RT-NET: another 3D printed robotic arm, but of a bigger size than the Open Manipulator. It makes part of a larger set of educational material. It comes with a gripper.
Niryo One, by Niryo: small robotics arm that also fits in your desk. It is very compact and solid and it is specially made for education. It comes with a gripper.
Gen3, by Kinova: the latest robotic arm by Kinova with 6 DOF and a purpose for education and research. It doesn’t contain a gripper. In case you need it, you would have to integrate from another company. What is interesting is that it comes with an integrated Intel Realsense for vision and depth.
Panda, by Franka Emika: a 7 DOF with included gripper ready for teaching or research. Actually, it is ready for industry applications too.
Sawyer Black, by Rethink Robotics: after the close of Rethink Robotics, the company was bought by the Hahn Group and developed this new version of Sawyer. This updated version of Baxter has 7 DOF, a gripper and cameras in its grip.
Legged Humanoids
Robotis-OP3, by Robotis: small one that fits on your desktop
Other educational materials mentioned on the podcast
The world has changed in 2020. Due to the coronavirus, all our social interactions have been reduced. This has led to universities closing and students learning from home. Teaching has moved online.
You can teach almost any subject online; however, some subjects are going to be more productive online than others. For instance, you can teach medical students about all the illnesses of the lungs online. But there is a part in that teaching that is about the interaction with an actual ill person. That is very difficult to provide through online teaching.
In robotics, something similar happens. If you want to teach robotics properly, you need to use a real robot. So how can we teach robotics online and provide a full learning experience?
How far can we go with online teaching of robotics?
Before answering this question, we need to identify what do we need to teach when teaching robotics, and then see what can be covered online.
Let’s have a look at the typical robotics curriculum of some important universities:
Summarizing from the syllabi of those courses, we conclude that the following are the main subjects when teaching robotics:
Robot action and perception
Arm Kinematics
Mobile robots kinematics
Robot dynamics
Motion planning and control
Robot Navigation
Computer Vision
So what we can see here is that when we are talking about teaching robotics, we are not talking about teaching how to build a robot (that would be more related to mechatronics and electronics), but about how to understand how robots work, especially in their interaction with the world, and how to create programs that make the robots properly interact with the world. We take, hence, the physical robot for granted and concentrate on the control algorithms.
Providing robotics theory to remote students
That is the easy part of the teaching. If your online teaching is based only on slides describing the theory of the subjects above, then you are almost done. You just need to prepare your slides with the subject, and then use a meeting tool to meet your students online (Zoom, Google Meet, Skype, or any other meeting software). I’m sure you already know which one to use.
How to provide some robotics practice
If you want your students to really understand the theoretical concepts, why they are required, and what their results are in real life, you will need to provide some kind of practice.
Which kind of practice?
I propose teaching ROS at the same time that we teach robotics, and using the former throughout the whole robotics semester as a tool to build and implement the robotics subject we are teaching. The idea is that we use ROS to allow the students to actually practice what they are learning. For instance, if we are talking about the different algorithms of obstacle avoidance, we can provide a simulated robot and make the student create a ROS program that actually implements the algorithm for that robot. By following this approach, the learning of the student is not only theoretical, but includes the practice of what is being taught.
Teaching ROS alongside the robotics teaching also has the benefit that what the students learn will be extremely beneficial for their careers because ROS is becoming the standard in robotics worldwide.
If you like this approach, then you will have to provide your students with an environment for practicing with ROS. Now that they are online and not at your labs, you will have to rely on the students’ computers for that.
How to provide a practice environment to remote robotics students
You have two options here:
Provide a robot simulations-based environment
Provide a real robot-based environment
Simulation-based environment for students
The goal is to set a ROS-based simulation environment in the student’s computer that is ready for practicing. That is not an easy task, especially when the students are remote. Here are four ways to do it.
Students install ROS on their computer. Students will need to follow the instructions here. This is a risky option if your students do not already have Linux on their computers (because that implies having to install Linux first and do a dual boot in their computers).
Students install a provided Virtual Machine with ROS. This option skips the step of installing Linux and a dual boot. Still, students will need to install the VM software and the actual VM image containing Linux and ROS. I haven’t found any VM ready to download with a modern ROS Distro, so you will need to build it yourself and then provide it to your students. Follow these instructions to build a ROS VM image with the latest ROS Distro.
Students use a ROS-based docker. This is a similar approach to the previous one, more modern, but a little bit more complex for the students because they need to understand the usage of dockers. Follow the instructions here to download a ROS docker:
Students use the Robot Ignite Academy web-based environment. We have developed this platform at The Construct, which is a web-based ROS environment, where students do not have to install anything on their computers, and works with any type of computer. It provides the lessons, exercises, forum, and exams ready-to-use. Everything is ready for the teacher to apply his magic as a teacher!
With any of those options, your students will have a running ROS environment that will allow them to create ROS programs and test them on simulated robots. That is definitely a step forward in the quality of the robotics teachings, and I would say that is 100% necessary for a proper robotics education.
But you can still move further in terms of quality.
Real robot-based environment for students
If you really want to provide your remote students a robotics experience, then you need to provide real robot testing and interactions. That is a tricky thing in remote situations, but I found two ways of providing this (after all, that is my job, both as a university teacher and as CEO of The Construct):
In case you are teaching basic robotics stuff, you may include in your students’ package a real robot building kit. For around $200, you can buy a small real robot kit delivered to your home. So if the money is not a problem and the subject of robotics you are teaching goes along with the robot, then that would be an optimal solution. Get one of those robots delivered to the home of each of your students (or ask the students to buy it). This is one of the kits we at The Construct have bought, which even allows the use of deep learning algorithms:
In case you need some more complex robots for practice, or in case you cannot afford to get a robot to each one of the students’ homes, then you can allow students to remotely connect to the robots in your lab. The process to achieve that connection is quite simple and I describe it in this video.
My own experience doing real robot interaction with remote students
That last method is the one I used to teach ROS to the students of the Master of Robotics, Home Automation and Industrial Automation of University of LaSalle Barcelona during Spring 2020. What I did during the confinement was to use the Robot Ignite Academy to teach ROS. This allowed me to have an already set up environment for practicing with simulations in every student’s computer from minute one, without requiring installation in the students’ computers.
Then, I also brought home a ROSbot robot (excellent robot for teaching, made by Husarion) ready to be connected through the Robot Ignite Academy interface. Hence, by using the Robot Ignite Academy interface, each student was connecting in turns to the real robot at my home from their home locations, and able to test their ROS programs on the real robot.
For this setup, I also added an external camera so students could see on the live streaming what was actually happening with the robot while running their programs.
I used the video conference software provided by the university to chat and explain the lessons. So I got the 15 students under that platform, watching the broadcast on their screens. When doing the theory part, I shared my screen with the Robot Ignite Academy lesson, and all the students opened the same lesson on their own computers. This also allowed us to do several exercises in the included simulations. Then, at some point in time, after we had done some exercises on the simulation, the students would connect in turn to my real robot and test their program on it.
The benefits I got applying the remote lab solution were very clear:
There is a clean transition between one student and another. It is not possible for two students to connect at the same time and interfere with each other.
No student needs to install any of their programs in the robot, so you do not end up with a broken robot system full of rubbish.
Students prepare their programs and get them ready by testing them in the simulator while waiting for their turn to connect to the real robot.
How to answer questions after hours
It is clear that students will have questions related to your assignments. How can you have a student tutoring session where you can solve their problems?
Well, my suggestion is that you use a Forum to answer the questions of the students. This has a couple of benefits:
Answers you provide to one student can be seen by all the other students.
You can delegate answering to teacher assistants.
Answers on the Forum will also be useful for the next semester.
In case you don’t have such a forum in your university’s online tools, I recommend that you install Discourse. Following those instructions, you can have the Forum ready in under 30 minutes.
How to evaluate the students
That is an important point. Students need to be evaluated in some sense, otherwise, the teacher will not be able to asses the knowledge they have acquired.
ROS comes again to the rescue. ROS allows us to evaluate the learning of the students remotely by making them do programs that work on the exam. For that, I recommend you create practical exams based on ROS where the students need to apply what they learned to a simulated robot. Instead of doing a theory-based exam, do an application of theory on the simulated robot.
This is very important to avoid cheating. It is very difficult to copy the program of somebody else without showing they copied! It is almost impossible to build the same code, even the same structure. You will quickly notice who copied.
Additionally, in order to make the thing a little bit more difficult to copy, I indicated that for the packages, topics, messages, and files they create, they are required to attach their names at the end (for instance, if they have to create a ROS message named startup_time, I would request that each student create the message startup_time_YOUR_NAME. That makes it more difficult to copy code because everyone has to adapt (if they copy and adapt, again, they deserve to pass!).
That is the method I personally applied for my ROS classes at the University of LaSalle Barcelona. I even allowed the students to use their notes or other programs they did in the past in order to solve the exam. The subject is so complex that if you really understand how the code you did in class fits in the exam, then that means that you deserve to pass the exam and that you understood the subject.
In my case, the exams were provided by the Robot Ignite Academy itself, and were also auto corrected using the autocorrection system of the academy. That is a lot of work that I saved myself!
My impression is that online teaching is going to become more and more important in the near future. First, because we do not have any other option (everything is closed). Second, because people will see that doing things online has a huge advantage in terms of efficiency and cost (more money for both sides: students will have to pay less, universities will get more students from many different locations in the world). Third, I suspect that many people will not want to come back to the previous way once they taste this new way of learning.
Let me finish by saying that in case you want to get your students up to date quickly on Linux and Python, ask them to do the following two free online courses that provide the basics, prior to the start of your classes. They are going to need it!
The ROS Awards aim to become the Oscars of the ROS world.
The intention of these awards is to express recognition for contributions to the ROS community and the development of the ROS-based robot industry, and to help them gain awareness.
Selection of the winners is made by anonymous online voting in a period of 3 months.
Anybody on the ROS community can vote.
In order to prevent influencing the voting from the poll, voting for each category is completely open, so the voter can write whatever he wants (no options provided). It is required that you provide as many details as possible so there is no confusion with other votes.
Since the Awards are organized by The Construct none of its products or developers can be voted.
Voting is closed 1 week before the conference, and 3 finalist per category announced on the same day.
The vote can only be done once from the same device and IP address
You cannot change your answers once you have submitted your vote
Measures have been taken to prevent as much as possible batch voting from a single person.
The awards can be awarded on the following categories:
Best ROS Software
This category includes any software that runs with ROS. It can be a package published on the repo of just a software that uses ROS libraries to produce an input. Open Source and closed source are both valid.
Examples: the ROS navigation stack, Rviz, OpenVino,…
Best ROS Based Robot
This category includes any robot that runs ROS on its inside and is not part of a product. Those robots are used to be programmed by developers to do tasks. The robots do not perform any specific task out of the shelf, they just run ROS and are waiting for a developer to be used in a specific task.
This category only allows for robots that run ROS off-the-shelf and require no extra work from the developer to run ROS (robots that can run ROS if you download such and such packages substituting the robot default system cannot be voted).
Examples: Turtlebot, Summit XL, Tiago…
Best ROS Based Product
This category includes products that are at present being sold and that run ROS in their internals. This category is different from the ROS Based Robot in the sense that the product is something closed that is provided as is, without requiring any modification from the buyer. Products include software or hardware products.
Examples: a robot to show ads around a faire, a software that manages fleets of robots,…
Best ROS Developer
Developers are the ones that create the ROS software that we love. Here you can vote for any developer who has contributed to ROS development in one sense or another.
People doesn’t get what is the difference between Best ROS Robot and Best ROS Product. We had to discard many votes because people were voting incorrectly (very common mistake was to vote for a ROS Robot in the Robotics Product category and viceversa). Just to clarify, a ROS Robot is a robot that runs ROS and we can buy as is for doing experiments on it on build a robotics product on top of it. The robot by itself does nothing useful after you buy it, it is just a platform. You need to put a lot of effort on it to build the application for that robot. On the other side, a ROS Product is some robotics product (it could be a robot, a software, an electronic board…) that you buy and it can performa its task off-the-shelf.
Examples: Aibo robot by Sony is a ROS Product. Turtlebot 3 robot by Robotis is a ROS Robot. Apex.OS by Apex.AI is a ROS Product. ROSbot by Husarion is a ROS Robot.
Additionally, Anki Vector had several votes as product. Anki vector IS a product but it is not based on ROS. It can work with ROS if you do some tricks, but it is not ROS based in the inside. Also, it is already dead.
The ROS Developer award had very few votes. People doesn’t know who are the ROS Developers that are developing ROS and its ecosystem We believe that ROS Developers deserve a lot more of credit, since they are the ones that actually build the software that all of us are using..
As ROS software, several people indicated Kinetic or Melodic. Kinetic and Melodic are very good ROS distributions is good but it is actually no package at all but the whole ROS distribution. With this award we want to reward specific packages that allow a specific functionality
We must figure out a solution for different spelling of options. It is difficult to count the utterances in different misspellings, for example MoveIt, MoveIt! or directly the git address to the package.
There have been a few attempts to try to position products that barely nobody knows as the winner of a category or that they don’t even exist yet (when you go to their webpage it is in state of coming soon). This is clearly because of the small number of votes, the team of the product can ask for votes among their relatives and friends. For the next year, we will consider the Award as cancelled if we do not receive 1000 votes or more. By adding so many votes is will be a lot more difficult to position newcomers.
There is a problem to which product to vote. Many people doesn’t know what to vote, and we as organisers, we cannot provide any suggestion so we cannot interfere in the voting. However, we must find a way to provide suggestions. May be, a listing of all the options already voted? We don’t want to provide hints in order to direct people to vote what others have already voted. Suggestions from the audience are welcomed.
We must indicate that no person or product from The Construct can participate in the Award, so all the votes provided to us or our company have been removed.
Other candidates that did not reach the finalists list, but were very close
Best ROS package
MRSP Serow
Best ROS Developer
Dave Coleman
Dirk Thomas
Roman Navarro
Best ROS Robot
Turtlebot 3
Franka Panda
Best ROS Robot
Stockbot, by Pal Robotics
Otto motors
The ROS Awards have started in 2020 with a first edition where the winners are some of the best and well known in the ROS world. Even if the number of total votes was not high, this first edition shows that there is an interest in the community for such awards and predicts an explosion of them for the next years.
What follows is the ROS story of Paschalis Pelitaris from France. Paschalis is a ROS student at the Robot Ignite Academy, and he wanted to share his ROS engagement with all of us.
How my interest grew
From an early age, I was fascinated by the notion of autonomous machines capable of sensing their surroundings, extracting valuable information in order to better understand their environment, and finally being able to act upon it, changing its state. I believe that the advancements and changes that can derive in the socioeconomic structures from the increased integration of autonomous machines in everyday life will be tremendous. Of course, the opportunities that will arise have to be treated carefully, but let’s not delve into this philosophical subject now.
During and after my university studies for Electrical and Computer Engineering, I had the chance to work on various AI and robotics projects. But gradually, I moved closer to the “machine learning” part, with tasks like Computer Vision and NLP. Coming from a non-embodied approach to building cognition where one tries to solve intelligence with a dualistic mindset, trying to teach the brain so that the interchangeable bodies that it will occupy will eventually follow, I was intrigued by the holistic view of intelligence that “Embodied Cognition” represents. Embodied cognition is the philosophical theory that claims that the best way for the brain to understand its surroundings and thus the world in which it operates is through the body it occupies. This quickly led me to realize the importance of being able to create and work alongside a body, a robotic body. Training Neural Network models was not enough. I knew I had to become proficient in developing robots.
The first, shy, steps
It was during my years at the university. Through my engagement with the University’s Robotics Team, I first came across and later was introduced to the Robot Operating System (ROS).
ROS is a middleware, or meta-operating system, created by two Ph.D. students, Eric Berger and Keenan Wyrobek. And further developed later by Willow Garage and finally Open Robotics, in order to simplify and eventually standardize the development of software for Robots.
You see, until then every Robotics researcher and company interested in working on robotics had to create their own platform to work on. This procedure was tedious and needed a lot, if not most, of the time and resources available. Also, the philosophy of freely distributing the code of your project so that others can use, change and improve it was not that prominent as most of the software was proprietary. That was one of the big contributions of ROS in the Robotics research society. Built with a philosophy of open source and modular software development it provided the ability to reuse code from other projects and thus increasing the speed of development cycles.
Additionally, it provides integration with other open-source frameworks that extend its functionality, such as “Moveit” for kinematics control and motion planning and “Gazebo” for 3D Robot simulations. Here, I would like to point out the importance of simulation in Robotics. It provides a low cost, easily accessible environment where multiple robots can be tested, and evaluated without the need to physically own any of them. It also provides an effective way to train robots with lots of “cheap” data before deploying them into the real world.
ROS vs …
Although there are other middleware for robotics similar to ROS, nowadays ROS is the framework that is most widely used by academia, and an increasing number of enterprises for Robot software development.
Apart from the features I mentioned before, one of the reasons why that’s the case might be that it is Cross-platform and language-agnostic, meaning that it can run on all major platforms and that the code can be implemented in multiple programming languages. Furthermore, ROS is becoming the standard for robotics, and I am of the belief that this will be solidified even more with ROS2.
Alreadythe knowledge of ROS is a highly demanded skill in the robotics job market. But the main reasons why I chose ROS over the other solutions available are the following two:
Firstly, it has a large and vibrant community. Apart from the fact that the active members of its community provide new packages or updates to existing ones making development faster, they also offer great troubleshooting advice that can help quickly overcome small or larger pitfalls.
Secondly, there is a plethora of documentation, books, tutorials, videos, and MOOCs available to get you going in “relatively” no time. This is a real advantage for beginners, it lowers the learning curve and gives you positive feedback when you see something that you developed working without being stuck at each step of the way.
Becoming better at ROS
And speaking about sources that can help you get up to speed with ROS quickly and smoothly, one of them stood out for me.
Of course, ROS has its official documentation and that’s a good starting point. Even though, there have been some concerns about the approachability of ROS documentation towards beginners. Personally, I think that provides decent documentation, but I feel that it lacks the interactiveness that we all got too used to lately. This is also a weakness of the second possible source of material, books. Although, I like how much depth a book can cover and that you can always go back to it for reference as long as you have it close. Online Videos and MOOCs can solve this drawback of static text. One can ask questions about things she has difficulty understanding and get answers fairly quickly.
However, some online video tutorials luck a good structure or cover topics sparsely. The same cannot be said for the videos of The Construct YouTube channel. For example, their “ROS in 5 minutes” playlist is a good point to start, it covers most of the basic tools and ideas you need to know. But what is even better is their online teaching platform Robot Ignite Academy (RIA). There, one can find almost 30 different courses that cover different topics and applications of ROS. The courses are also organized to “Paths”, bundles of courses with similar orientation for different purposes and uses of ROS. These courses are structured for a proposed duration of 5 days and the “Paths” for a duration of 1 month, so by the end of each week, you can finish with one course, move to the next one and by the end of the month you’ve completed the Path. RIA employs the philosophy of learning by making. It is interactive, and you can start learning right away. You don’t even have to install ROS on your computer, you can access it from every device. This is made possible by ROS Development Studio (ROSDS), the Construct’s online ROS platform. The learning actually takes place inside the ROSDS. The relative theory is laid out along with the steps of each tutorial and you can also watch the corresponding class video. You can run code and see the results in a simulated environment. It also features live class sessions on a specific topic every week.
And for all that, Robot Ignite Academy has become my weapon of choice for learning ROS.
The journey has just begun…
Now, I am already on my way to complete my first “Path”, “Machine Learning for Robotics”. After a recap of the ROS basics, I will move on to how to utilize TensorFlow and OpenAI Gym to train autonomous Agents. After that “ROS for Self-driving Cars”, will follow and then the possibilities are numerous…
In this 5th post of the series, we will expand the controllers to all the joints of our manipulator! Before finishing the post, you will be able to control and calibrate the controllers using graphical tools such as RQT Publisher and RQT Reconfigure. Let’s start!
Step 0 – Introduction
We need to do the same steps we have done in the previous post, but for many joints. Instead of repeating ourselves, let’s take advantage on xacro resources. We are going to use the MACRO we created before to configure the controllers!
Step 1 – Configuring controllers on MACRO
We have to change just a single MACRO, the one called m_joint, in order to apply controllers to all our robots. It is the necessary element, transmission, we have created manually to the first two joints in the previous post. The MACRO will look like below:
Almost there.. we need to configure the new controllers. At this point, we are basically repeating the same processes for the first 2 joints. (No MACROs here)
Run an empty simulation, like we did before, and spawn the robot using a terminal:
roslaunch mrm_description spawn.launch
You must have the full robot just performing “freeze!”.
Open the Graphical Tools. Let’s check what we have there.
There you can check RQT Publisher. Add some topics and change the values, in order to see the robot moving!
The other window is the RQT Reconfigure, where you can change/tune the PID parameters of the controller!
Step 4 – Conclusion
We have finished the controllers for our robot. We didn’t include (yet) a tuning process in order to have a good performance on the movement of the robot.
What follows is the ROS story of Simon Steinmann from Canada. Simon is a ROS student at the Robot Ignite Academy, and he wanted to share his ROS engagement with all of us.
What is ROS
Before going into details about my Thesis and my reasons for using ROS, let me give a quick explanation or recap to what ROS actually is, for all of those who are not familiar with the subject.
ROS stands for Robot Operating System and is actually not a real operating system, rather a meta-operating system or environment. The big strength of ROS and its main operating principle is connecting different nodes together.
The power of ROS Nodes
Nodes are pieces of software and can be written in C++ or Python, making it really easy and accessible for most people. This way the functionality of a robot can be split into many little subsets of tasks. For example, we can have a node for controlling servo motors, nodes to read sensors and a node that contains controlling algorithms. All these nodes can talk to one another by using ROS’s publish and subscribe protocol. This is done using topics.
Imagine nodes being workers in an office, and topics being like blackboards in the hallway, which every worker can post information onto, and read the information of others, who have posted there. So, for example, a sensor node can post a topic containing the sensor data, and every node that needs that data can subscribe to that topic to get the data. There is a bit more to it, but that is the basic working principle, and it is a very simple and powerful one.
As mentioned before, one of those advantages is that different nodes can be written in either C++ or Python and work flawlessly together. Another great thing is the ability to have nodes running on different hardware. All we need is for them to be connected by a network. So, for example, we can have the nodes controlling the servos and reading sensors, directly running on the robot (like a drone), while the more complex controlling nodes and algorithms run one or several computers. It even enables you to control a robot from anywhere in the world, simply by setting up a VPN.
ROS – a must have skill for robotics developer
ROS is also open source and thus free, with a huge following and the excellent documentation and resources online. Robotics is a booming field in engineering, and with the advent of quadcopter and consumer drones in recent years, it has become a very accessible hobby with a low barrier to entry. However, ROS is not just for hobbyists, it is widely utilized in existing industry and the countless new robotics companies. This makes learning ROS almost a must if you are considering to become a robotics developer.
What do I plan on using ROS for?
I am currently studying Aerospace Engineering at the University of Stuttgart in Germany. However, my master thesis is in robotics and a cooperation between DLR (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, German Aerospace Agency) and the University of British Columbia. The goal is to develop a scalable method to train a set of Reinforcement Learning algorithms with the use of a digital twin. Once a task is “learned”, it is then to be implemented into the physical system, e.g. for production.
My Method is to be independent of the robot and task and scalable to a multitude of applications. In order to make things less complicated, I am working with the JACO2 Robot from KINOVA, which is a 6 DOF gripper robot.
JACO2 Robot from KINOVA
The robot simulation is set up in gazebo. Both, the simulation and the physical robot, can be controlled via ROS. So in a first step, I plan to use ROS to communicate between the simulation and the machine learning algorithms, which I shall call the “brain”. The simulation provides and publishes all relevant position and sensor data, just like the real robot would, and the brain sends commands to the simulation. All this is done using ROS, nodes, and topics. Once the brain has learned a task in the simulation, it will then connect to the real robot, using ROS to send its commands to the robot. Since both simulating a robot and its interaction with objects with physics, as well as training machine learning algorithms is very CPU intensive, the ability to spread the workload over different machines with ROS comes in very handy. The goal is to have the machine learning run on one workstation, and the simulation on another. This was fairly straight forward to set up and didn’t require a lot of networking knowledge. Simply setting up a VPN between the machines and telling the 2nd computer to listen to the primary computer instead to its own localhost.
KINOVA, like many other robot manufacturers, already provides the controllers which can be easily implemented with ROS. This makes ROS an excellent choice for my thesis as a multitude of robots already use ROS.Furthermore, it natively supports c++ and python, making it incredibly easy to develop and to implement other software. Especially the compatibility with OpenAI Gym makes ROS a perfect choice for my work and any machine learning or reinforcement learning tasks.
Why did I consider Robot Ignite Academy as the best place to learn ROS?
Recently starting using and working with ROS made me realize how powerful and versatile it is, and I wish I would have been introduced to it earlier. I first came across the Robot Ignite Academy when researching how to make Gazebo and OpenAI Gym work together. I tried to implement their openai-ros package, which in theory is easy. However, having a non-natively supported robot, it quickly became apparent that I was lacking the skills and knowledge to efficiently tackle my problems. While the documentation for ROS on the internet is great and there are many tutorials, they are usually spread apart and it is hard to know what you have to know and where to start.
Having struggled for over a month getting our robot to run under ubuntu 18.04 and ROS melodic and constantly running into little hiccups and errors which require a lot of research, the already set up training environments in the Robot Ignite Academy sounds like a godsend and considerably less headaches trying to fix random errors and package incompatibilities in Linux. So I am looking forward to become a ROS developer in a quick and efficient manner. And while my field of study is Aerospace Engineering, with a focus on Space and Aircraft Propulsion, I am fascinated by AI, machine learning, robotics and Industry 4.0. All these areas are playing a rapidly increasing roll in my field of studies. And while I am not planning to become a pure ROS developer, I see learning and understanding ROS as a vital toolset for myself and anyone who plans to go into similar positions. In Industry 4.0 everything will be connected, and robotics will play a major role.