Learn the method of how to train the technical team or interns on ROS skills fast. Already used by many Universities and companies.
ROS is becoming the essential skills for robotics engineers. Apart from labs, there is an increasing number of commercial sector, industrial and services robots using ROS. Gradually, it has become a widely-used platform in the robotics research community.
Is a “good solution” for companies who are seeking quick development. In recent year there is a high demand in the self-driving car industry and due to its low level of functionality benefits, it attracts a larger number start-up companies using it from warehousing to agriculture, which is growing at an exponential pace. It supports the robot development and industry growth without specifically costs for building software and hardware.
But as you may understand, robotics engineers spend a lot of time developing ROS based software. Sometimes, they need to gather more knowledge about a specific ROS subject. Sometimes the team needs to incorporate more engineers with ROS knowledge.
In order to speed things up, in this one-hour webinar we will show how to smooth learning path for your team in order to maximize their learning speed and get the best possible results.
Technical teams, robotics start-ups, and companies who need to equip their team or their interns on ROS in an effective way, and apply ROS into robotics development quickly and effectively.
Q: add AR tag in gazebo A: You have to generate the AR tag , then create the 3D model with the texture in blender and finally import it and spawn it in gazebo.
Q: Remapping between nodes How to remap between nodes inlaunch file. Plz guide.imusing Ros indigo version
A: Basically, remap is a feature to rename topics, node names and some special keys of ROS env. You can see in this page what you can remap, like a node name(__node), namespace (__ns), log file (__log), etc.
Example: I’ve a node that publishes Twist messages in a topic called turtlebot_vel, but my robot listens to cmd_vel
In this question we see how to solve the problem when running catkin_make on a Catkin Workspace: The specified base path /home/user/catkin_ws contains a CMakeLists.txt but catkin_make must be invoked in the root of workspace
A: The problem is because the user had a CMakeLists.txt on the root folder of the Workspace (~/catkin_ws/CMakeLists.txt). The file must be on the src folder: ~/catkin_ws/src/CMakeLists.txt