[ROS Q&A] How to use GetModelState service from Gazebo in python

In this video we show how to get the model state of a model in Gazebo using ROS Topics with Python. See question: https://answers.ros.org/question/261782/how-to-use-getmodelstate-service-from-gazebo-in-python/

Q: I try to get the state of a model in Gazebo but the returned value is always zero.

A: You have to call the /gazebo/get_model_state service passing the name of the model and the name of a link.

[ROS Q&A] Publishing and Subscribing a custom message

Q: writing a publisher and subscriber and unsure how to finish it
A: I have create a package (my_pkg) with two nodes, trying to reproduce your situation.. It is like that:

catkin_create_pkg my_pkg rospy std_msgs message_generation message_runtime

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[ROS Q&A] buoyancy neutral object goes up with hydrodynamics plugin

What will you learn in this post

  • Understand how to use the buoyancy plugin in gazebo

List of resources used in this post

Let’s get started

This post is an answer to a question related to buoyancy in Gazebo Answers.

To exemplify, we created a ros package called buoyancy_tests_pkg and a launch file called main.launch. We can launch that file with roslaunch buoyancy_tests_pkg main.launch.

In our package, we have the buoyancy_tests_pkg/urdf/simple_floating_sphere.urdf with the definition of a floating sphere.

The content of the file is as follows:

<robot name="simple_floating_sphere">

    <!-- Colours for RVIZ for geometric elements -->
    <material name="green">
        <color rgba="0 0.8 0 1"/>

	<!-- * * * Link Definitions * * * -->

    <link name="simple_sphere_base_link">
            <origin xyz="0 0 0" rpy="0 0 0"/>
            <mass value="7.23822947387" />
            <inertia ixx="0.00576" ixy="0.0" ixz="0.0" iyy="0.00576" iyz="0.0" izz="0.00576"/>
            <origin xyz="0 0 0" rpy="0 0 0"/>
                <sphere radius="0.12"/>
            <origin rpy="0.0 0 0" xyz="0 0 0"/>
                <sphere radius="0.12"/>
            <material name="green"/>
    <gazebo reference="simple_sphere_base_link">
        <plugin name="buoyancy_sphere" filename="libBuoyancyPlugin.so">


The plugin used is libBuoyancyPlugin.so as can be seen at the end of the file.

    <plugin name="buoyancy_sphere" filename="libBuoyancyPlugin.so">

To spawn the sphere in a gazebo simulation we have the spawn_simple_sphere.launch file with the following content:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <arg name="x" default="3.0" />
    <arg name="y" default="-1.0" />
    <arg name="z" default="1.0" />
    <arg name="roll" default="0"/>
    <arg name="pitch" default="0"/>
    <arg name="yaw" default="0" />
    <arg name="urdf_robot_file" default="$(find buoyancy_tests_pkg)/urdf/simple_floating_sphere.urdf" />
    <arg name="robot_name" default="simple_floating_sphere" />
    <include file="$(find spawn_robot_tools_pkg)/launch/spawn_robot_urdf.launch">
        <arg name="x" value="$(arg x)" />
        <arg name="y" value="$(arg y)" />
        <arg name="z" value="$(arg z)" />
        <arg name="roll" value="$(arg roll)"/>
        <arg name="pitch" value="$(arg pitch)"/>
        <arg name="yaw" value="$(arg yaw)" />
        <arg name="urdf_robot_file" value="$(arg urdf_robot_file)" />
        <arg name="robot_name" value="$(arg robot_name)" />

Remember that the code to launch it would be:

roslaunch buoyancy_tests_pkg spawn_simple_sphere.launch

If everything went ok, you should have a sphere spawned like in the image below:

buoyancy sphere floating in ROSDS

buoyancy sphere floating in ROSDS

Bear in mind that the weight of the sphere applies forces in the Z direction from top to down (from the sky to the earth) and the buoyancy plugin applied the force in opposite direction. We will apply the same force in the opposite direction, which will be the mass of the sphere, basically.

Calculating the weight of the sphere

In order to calculate the mass of the sphere to then use the same value for buoyance, we created a file called volume_calculator.py on buoyancy_tests_pkg/scripts/volume_calculator.py with the following content:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import math

class BuoyancyCalculator(object):

    def __init__(self):
        print "Buoyancy Force Calculator Initialised..."

    def start_ask_loop(self):

        selection = "START"

        while selection != "Q":
            print "#############################"
            print "Select Geometry to Calculate Buoyancy Force:"
            print "[1]Sphere radius(r)"
            print "[2]Cylinder radius(r)"
            print "[3]Box dimensions(x_size*y_size*z_size)"
            print "[Q]END program"
            selection = raw_input(">>")

        print "InertialCaluclator Quit...Thank you"

    def select_action(self, selection):
        if selection == "1":
            mass = float(raw_input("mass>>"))
            radius = float(raw_input("radius>>"))
            fluid_density = float(raw_input("fluid_density [kg/m^3]>>"))
            self.calculate_sphere_buoyancy_force(mass, radius, fluid_density)
        elif selection == "2":
            mass = float(raw_input("mass>>"))
            radius = float(raw_input("radius>>"))
            height = float(raw_input("height>>"))
            fluid_density = float(raw_input("fluid_density [kg/m^3]>>"))
            self.calculate_cylinder_buoyancy_force(mass, radius, height, fluid_density)
        elif selection == "3":
            mass = float(raw_input("mass>>"))
            x_size = float(raw_input("x_size>>"))
            y_size = float(raw_input("y_size>>"))
            z_size = float(raw_input("z_size>>"))
            fluid_density = float(raw_input("fluid_density [kg/m^3]>>"))
            self.calculate_box_buoyancy_force(mass, x_size, y_size, z_size, fluid_density, gravity=9.81)
        elif selection == "Q":
            print "Selected Quit"
            print "Usage: Select one of the give options"

    def calculate_sphere_volume(self, m, r):
        volume = (4.0/3.0)*math.pi*math.pow(r,3)
        return volume
    def calculate_cylinder_volume(self, m, r, h):
        # volume = pi*r^2*h
        volume = math.pi*math.pow(r,2)*h
        return volume
    def calculate_cylinder_area(self, r, h):
        # area = 2*pi*r^2 + 2*pi*r*h
        area = 2*math.pi*math.pow(r,2) + 2*math.pi*r*h
        return area
    def calculate_box_volume(self,x, y, z):
        # Volume of box is x*y*z
        volume = x*y*z
        return volume
    def calculate_sphere_buoyancy_force(self, mass, radius, fluid_density, gravity=9.81):
        volume = self.calculate_sphere_volume(m=mass, r=radius)
        fluid_eq_mass = fluid_density * volume
        buoyancy_force = fluid_eq_mass * gravity
        sphere_weight = mass * gravity
        print "Volume Sphere ="+str(volume)
        print "Mass of Fluid for Sphere Volume Sphere, This should be the mass of sphere for neutral buoyancy ="+str(fluid_eq_mass)
        print "Buoyancy Force ="+str(buoyancy_force)
        print "Weight Force of Sphere ="+str(sphere_weight)
        final_weight_force = buoyancy_force - sphere_weight
        print "RESULT OF WEIGHT AND BUOYANCY FORCE =="+str(final_weight_force)
        if final_weight_force < 0:
            print "The Sphere is going to SINK"
        elif final_weight_force == 0:
            print "The Sphere is going to have NEUTRAL Buoyancy"
            print "The Sphere is going to FLOAT"
    def calculate_cylinder_buoyancy_force(self, mass, radius, height, fluid_density, gravity=9.81):
        volume = self.calculate_cylinder_volume(m=mass, r=radius, h=height)
        area = self.calculate_cylinder_area(r=radius, h=height)
        fluid_eq_mass = fluid_density * volume
        buoyancy_force = fluid_eq_mass * gravity
        cylinder_weight = mass * gravity
        print "Volume Cylinder ="+str(volume)
        print "Area Cylinder ="+str(area)
        print "Mass of Fluid for Cylinder Volume Cylinder, This should be the mass of sphere for neutral buoyancy ="+str(fluid_eq_mass)
        print "Buoyancy Force ="+str(buoyancy_force)
        print "Weight Force of Cylinder ="+str(cylinder_weight)
        final_weight_force = buoyancy_force - cylinder_weight
        print "RESULT OF WEIGHT AND BUOYANCY FORCE =="+str(final_weight_force)
        if final_weight_force < 0:
            print "The Cylinder is going to SINK"
        elif final_weight_force == 0:
            print "The Cylinder is going to have NEUTRAL Buoyancy"
            print "The Cylinder is going to FLOAT"
    def calculate_box_buoyancy_force(self, mass, x_size, y_size, z_size, fluid_density, gravity=9.81):
        volume = self.calculate_box_volume(x=x_size, y=y_size, z=z_size)
        fluid_eq_mass = fluid_density * volume
        buoyancy_force = fluid_eq_mass * gravity
        box_weight = mass * gravity
        print "Volume Box ="+str(volume)
        print "Mass of Fluid for Box Volume, This should be the mass of Box for neutral buoyancy ="+str(fluid_eq_mass)
        print "Buoyancy Force ="+str(buoyancy_force)
        print "Weight Force of Box ="+str(box_weight)
        final_weight_force = buoyancy_force - box_weight
        print "RESULT OF WEIGHT AND BUOYANCY FORCE =="+str(final_weight_force)
        if final_weight_force < 0:
            print "The Box is going to SINK"
        elif final_weight_force == 0:
            print "The Box is going to have NEUTRAL Buoyancy"
            print "The Box is going to FLOAT"

if __name__ == "__main__":
    inertial_object = BuoyancyCalculator()

If you need further details at this file, you can have a look at this video: https://youtu.be/NgmvhSEM5SQ?t=560

By looking at the video you can also see that we can apply buoyancy even for complex-shaped robots like a fish:


More code

More code is used in this post. The list of files and their content is as follows:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

  <arg name="robot" default="machines"/>
  <arg name="debug" default="false"/>
  <arg name="gui" default="true"/>
  <arg name="headless" default="false"/>
  <arg name="pause" default="true"/>  <!-- Start Gazebo with a blank world -->
  <include file="$(find gazebo_ros)/launch/empty_world.launch">
    <arg name="world_name" value="$(find buoyancy_tests_pkg)/worlds/ocean.world"/>
    <arg name="debug" value="$(arg debug)" />
    <arg name="gui" value="$(arg gui)" />
    <arg name="paused" value="$(arg pause)"/>
    <arg name="use_sim_time" value="true"/>
    <arg name="headless" value="$(arg headless)"/>
    <env name="GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH" value="$(find simulation_gazebo)/models:$(optenv GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH)"/>
<!--  Include launch.xml if needed -->


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <arg name="x" default="3.0" />
    <arg name="y" default="-1.0" />
    <arg name="z" default="1.0" />
    <arg name="roll" default="0"/>
    <arg name="pitch" default="0"/>
    <arg name="yaw" default="0" />
    <arg name="urdf_robot_file" default="$(find buoyancy_tests_pkg)/urdf/simple_floating_sphere.urdf" />
    <arg name="robot_name" default="simple_floating_sphere" />
    <include file="$(find spawn_robot_tools_pkg)/launch/spawn_robot_urdf.launch">
        <arg name="x" value="$(arg x)" />
        <arg name="y" value="$(arg y)" />
        <arg name="z" value="$(arg z)" />
        <arg name="roll" value="$(arg roll)"/>
        <arg name="pitch" value="$(arg pitch)"/>
        <arg name="yaw" value="$(arg yaw)" />
        <arg name="urdf_robot_file" value="$(arg urdf_robot_file)" />
        <arg name="robot_name" value="$(arg robot_name)" />


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

        <arg name="x" default="0.0" />
        <arg name="y" default="0.0" />
        <arg name="z" default="0.0" />
        <arg name="roll" default="0"/>
        <arg name="pitch" default="0"/>
        <arg name="yaw" default="0.0" />
        <arg name="urdf_robot_file" default="" />
        <arg name="robot_name" default="" />

        <!-- This Version was created due to some errors seen in the V1 that crashed GAzebo or went too slow in spawn -->
        <!-- Load the URDF into the ROS Parameter Server -->
        <param name="robot_description" command="cat $(arg urdf_robot_file)" />
        <!-- Run a python script to the send a service call to gazebo_ros to spawn a URDF robot -->
        <node name="$(arg robot_name)_urdf_spawner" pkg="gazebo_ros" type="spawn_model" respawn="false" output="screen"
        args="-urdf -x $(arg x) -y $(arg y) -z $(arg z) -R $(arg roll) -P $(arg pitch) -Y $(arg yaw) -model $(arg robot_name) -param robot_description"/>


<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<sdf version="1.5">
  <world name="default">
      <camera name="user_camera">
        <pose>10 11 10 0 0 -2.356</pose>

      <ambient> 0.25 0.3 0.5 1</ambient>

    <light type="directional" name="sun">
      <pose>0 0 100 0 0 0</pose>
      <diffuse>0.8 0.8 0.8 1</diffuse>
      <specular>0.2 0.2 0.2 1</specular>
      <direction>-0.5 0.1 -0.9</direction>

    <model name="ground_plane">
      <link name="link">
        <collision name="collision">
              <normal>0 0 1</normal>
              <size>200 200</size>
        <visual name="visual">
              <normal>0 0 1</normal>
              <size>200 200</size>

    <model name="ceiling_plane">
      <pose>0 0 40 0 0 0</pose>
      <link name="link">
        <collision name="collision">
              <size>200 200 .1</size>
        <visual name="visual">
              <size>200 200 .1</size>

        <visual name="visual_sideA">
          <pose>100.05 0 -20 0 0 0</pose>
              <size>0.1 200 39.9</size>

        <visual name="visual_sideB">
          <pose>-100.05 0 -20 0 0 0</pose>
              <size>0.1 200 39.9</size>

        <visual name="visual_sideC">
          <pose>0 100.05 -20 0 0 0</pose>
              <size>200 0.1 39.9</size>

        <visual name="visual_sideD">
          <pose>0 -100.05 -20 0 0 0</pose>
              <size>200 0.1 39.9</size>




#!/usr/bin/env python
import math

class InertialCalculator(object):

    def __init__(self):
        print "InertialCaluclator Initialised..."

    def start_ask_loop(self):

        selection = "START"

        while selection != "Q":
            print "#############################"
            print "Select Geometry to Calculate:"
            print "[1]Box width(w)*depth(d)*height(h)"
            print "[2]Sphere radius(r)"
            print "[3]Cylinder radius(r)*height(h)"
            print "[Q]END program"
            selection = raw_input(">>")

        print "InertialCaluclator Quit...Thank you"

    def select_action(self, selection):
        if selection == "1":
            mass = float(raw_input("mass>>"))
            width = float(raw_input("width>>"))
            depth = float(raw_input("depth>>"))
            height = float(raw_input("height>>"))
            self.calculate_box_inertia(m=mass, w=width, d=depth, h=height)
        elif selection == "2":
            mass = float(raw_input("mass>>"))
            radius = float(raw_input("radius>>"))
            self.calculate_sphere_inertia(m=mass, r=radius)
        elif selection == "3":
            mass = float(raw_input("mass>>"))
            radius = float(raw_input("radius>>"))
            height = float(raw_input("height>>"))
            self.calculate_cylinder_inertia(m=mass, r=radius, h=height)
        elif selection == "Q":
            print "Selected Quit"
            print "Usage: Select one of the give options"

    def calculate_box_inertia(self, m, w, d, h):
        Iw = (m/12.0)*(pow(d,2)+pow(h,2))
        Id = (m / 12.0) * (pow(w, 2) + pow(h, 2))
        Ih = (m / 12.0) * (pow(w, 2) + pow(d, 2))
        print "BOX w*d*h, Iw = "+str(Iw)+",Id = "+str(Id)+",Ih = "+str(Ih)

    def calculate_sphere_inertia(self, m, r):
        I = (2*m*pow(r,2))/5.0
        print "SPHERE Ix,y,z = "+str(I)

    def calculate_cylinder_inertia(self, m, r, h):
        Ix = (m/12.0)*(3*pow(r,2)+pow(h,2))
        Iy = Ix
        Iz = (m*pow(r,2))/2.0
        print "Cylinder Ix,y = "+str(Ix)+",Iz = "+str(Iz)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    inertial_object = InertialCalculator()

So this is the post for today. We hope it made you better understand how the buoyancy plugin works in the gazebo simulator.

Remember that we have a live version of this post on YouTube. If you liked the post and the video, please consider subscribing to our channel and Keep Pushing your ROS Learning.

You can also find more buoyancy-related explanations in the next post: https://www.theconstruct.ai/ros-qa-066-buoyancy-neutral-object-goes-hydrodynamics-plugin-part2/


[ROS Q&A] 053 – How to Move a Robot to a Certain Point Using Twist

[ROS Q&A] 053 – How to Move a Robot to a Certain Point Using Twist

Question of the video:

How to move to a certain point in space using Twist /cmd_vel? (https://answers.ros.org/question/273384/how-to-move-to-a-certain-point-in-space-using-twist-cmd_vel/)


what you are talking about is called Robot navigation, that is, the ability of the robot to go from one place to another.

Then, in order to achieve that, you need to decide at least the following three things:

  1. In which frame are you measuring the coordinates (0,0) and (5,5)?
  2. Do you need to have obstacle avoidance (that is, avoid any obstacle that may appear between (0,0) and (5,5) when your robot is moving towards the end location)?
  3. Is it the location where the robot moves known or unknown?

Let’s assume the simplest answer to the questions above:

  1. We are measuring the coordinates in the odometry frame (I’m assuming you know what odometry is). The problem with this frame is that has a sift (an error) which increases over time. But for your example is good enough.
  2. Let’s say, there are no obstacles in the path. Hence, we do not have to implement an obstacle avoidance algorithm like potential fields or else.
  3. Let’s say it is an unknown environment, of which we are not going to build a map.

Even if this is a very simple setup, that setup can be used, for example, to move the robot to the position of a detected target. Imagine that the robot has a camera and a program that detects people. Then, once the program detects a person within 5 meters in front of the robot, it means that the robot can go to the person location using that simple framework we defined in the questions above.

Now, you need to build a controller that converts the distances from the current position and orientation of the robot into velocity commands that are sent to the /cmd_vel of the robot to make it move towards the location. That controller can be built in many ways.

A simple controller to do that would be the following:

    1. If the robot (odometry) orientation is not towards the target, then rotate only the robot until its orientation is towards the target.

speed = Twist()
speed.linear.x = 0.0
speed.angular.z = 0.2

2. Once the robot is headed towards the target, just move straight towards the goal until reached

speed = Twist()
speed.linear.x = 0.5
speed.angular.z = 0.0

More complex controllers can be implemented that optimize the time to reach the goal, or other factors like moving faster when far away from goal and moving slower when getting closer.

In case you want to make the robot include obstacle avoidance, navigation in bigger environments of which a map can be built, then you need to use the Navigation Stack of ROS which includes all that (and more).

Step 0. Create a project in ROS Development Studio(ROSDS)

ROSDS helps you follow our tutorial in a fast pace without dealing without setting up an environment locally. If you haven’t had an account yet, you can create a free account here. After logging in, click on My ROSjects. You’ll find the public simulations provided by the Construct. We’ll use the Husky simulation today.

Step 1. Move the robot

At first, let’s create a package for the code.

cd catkin_ws/src
catkin_create_pkg simple_controller rospy

To move the robot from A to B, we can apply a controller. Then we create a controller.py file under the src folder in the package with the following content.

import rospy
from nav_msgs.msg import Odometry
from tf.transformations import euler_from_quaternion
from geometry_msgs.msg import Point, Twist
from math import atan2

x = 0.0
y = 0.0 
theta = 0.0

def newOdom(msg):
    global x
    global y
    global theta

    x = msg.pose.pose.position.x
    y = msg.pose.pose.position.y

    rot_q = msg.pose.pose.orientation
    (roll, pitch, theta) = euler_from_quaternion([rot_q.x, rot_q.y, rot_q.z, rot_q.w])


sub = rospy.Subscriber("/odometry/filtered", Odometry, newOdom)
pub = rospy.Publisher("/cmd_vel", Twist, queue_size = 1)

speed = Twist()

r = rospy.Rate(4)

goal = Point()
goal.x = 5
goal.y = 5

while not rospy.is_shutdown():
    inc_x = goal.x -x
    inc_y = goal.y -y

    angle_to_goal = atan2(inc_y, inc_x)

    if abs(angle_to_goal - theta) > 0.1:
        speed.linear.x = 0.0
        speed.angular.z = 0.3
        speed.linear.x = 0.5
        speed.angular.z = 0.0


You can also launch the rviz tool for visualization with

rosrun rviz rviz

Then you can launch the program with

rosrun simple_controller controller.py

You should see the robot turns and move to the point we set by comparing the difference between the set goal and the odometry.

What to learn more?

If you are interested in learning ROS, please visit


Edit by: Tony Huang

[ROS Q&A] How to move a robot to a certain point using Twist

Original questions here: https://answers.ros.org/question/273384/how-to-move-to-a-certain-point-in-space-using-twist-cmd_vel/

Q: How to move to a certain point in space using Twist /cmd_vel?

A: what you are talking about is called Robot navigation, that is, the ability of the robot to go from one place to another.

Then, in order to achieve that, you need to decide at least the following three things:

In which frame are you measuring the coordinates (0,0) and (5,5)?
Do you need to have obstacle avoidance (that is, avoid any obstacle that may appear between (0,0) and (5,5) when your robot is moving towards the end location)?
Is it the location where the robot moves known or unknown?

Let’s assume the simplest answer to the questions above:

We are measuring the coordinates in the odometry frame (I’m assuming you know what odometry is). The problem with this frame is that has a sift (an error) which increases over time. But for your example is good enough.
Let’s say, there are no obstacles in the path. Hence, we do not have to implement an obstacle avoidance algorithm like potential fields or else.
Let’s say it is and unknown environment, of which we are not going to build a map.

Even if this is a very simple setup, that setup can be used, for example, to move the robot to the position of a detected target. Imagine that the robot has a camera and a program that detects people. Then, once the program detects a person in 5 meters in front of the robot, it means that the robot can go to the person location using that simple framework we defined in the questions above.

Now, you need to built a controller that converts the distances from the current position AND orientation of the robot into velocity commands that are sent to the /cmd_vel of the robot to make it move towards the location. That controller can be built in many ways.

A simple controller to do that would be the following:

If the robot (odometry) orientation is not towards the target, then rotate only the robot until its orientation is towards the target.

speed = Twist()
speed.linear.x = 0.0
speed.angular.z = 0.2

Once the robot is headed towards the target, just move straight towards the goal until reached

speed = Twist()
speed.linear.x = 0.5
speed.angular.z = 0.0

I have created this video that shows how that controller works with a Husky robot in a Gazebo simulated environment.

More complex controllers can be implemented that optimize the time to reach the goal, or other factors like moving faster when far away from goal and moving slower when getting closer.

In case you want to make the robot include obstacle avoidance, navigation in bigger environments of which a map can be built, then you need to use the Navigation Stack of ROS which includes all that (and more).

[ROS Q&A] Why doesn’t rviz appear as a node in rqt_graph?

In this video we show why RViz is not shown on rqt_graph as a ROS Node by answering a real question found on: https://answers.ros.org/question/269149/why-doesnt-rviz-appear-as-a-node-in-rqt_graph/

Q: Why doesn’t rviz appear as a node in rqt_graph?

A: In order to see RViz, we have to “uncheck” the “Debug” button on rqt_graph. The list of nodes that are hidden when “Debug” is checked can be found on the dotcode.py file of the rqt_graph code.

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