RDP 040: Animating Industrial Robots with Blender with Alexander Rossler

RDP 040: Animating Industrial Robots with Blender with Alexander Rossler

Hi ROS Developers and welcome to the ROS Developers Podcast: the program, the podcast that gives you insights from the experts about how to program your robots with ROS.

This is Ricardo Tellez, from The Construct.
Today, I would like to dedicate the podcast to all those ROS developers working with Industrial robots that do not have ROS interface and they have to keep using the factory SDK. We are sorry for you, and we hope this situation changes in the close future.

Today, We are going to interview Alexander Rössler. Alexander is a solopreneur providing services for developing embedded systems and HMI at his company Rossler Systems. He has a very interesting blog called Machine Koder (with K) where he posts about development for robots using open source tools. Recently, he published a post about how to use Blender to animate industrial robots, and that is why I thought it would be interesting to hear his whys and hows about that subject.

Selected quote:

“Using Blender with industrial robots is useful when you want to move the robot in a specific certain way”

Alexander Rossler

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RDP 039: Using Anki Vector robot with ROS with Omri Ben-Bassat

RDP 039: Using Anki Vector robot with ROS with Omri Ben-Bassat

This is Ricardo Tellez, from The Construct.
Today, I would like to dedicate the podcast to all those ROS developers that bought a robot which doesn’t runs in ROS and they would like to. How can you ROSify that robot? How can you make it work with ROS?

Well, the interview of today may be useful for you.

We are going to interview Omri Ben-Bassat from Tel Aviv, a self-taught programmer, hacker and robotics enthusiastic ever since joining the FIRST robotics competition team back in high school. Omri has created the vector-ros package, a package that ROSifies the Anki Vector robot, you know, that super cute small robot made by Anki company. With this package, you can control the Anki robot using ROS programs.

Selected quote:

“The vector-ROS package is a project I started to summarize and test all my learning online about ROS”

Omri Ben-Bassat

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RDP 038: How to connect with ROS from non-ROS systems using ROSlibPy with Gonzalo Casas

RDP 038: How to connect with ROS from non-ROS systems using ROSlibPy with Gonzalo Casas


This is Ricardo Tellez, from The Construct.
Today, I would like to dedicate the podcast to all those ROS developers that are installing again ROS in their computers, but they don’t have an Ubuntu machine. I’m sorry for you. There are versions for Mac and Windows, but still a pain.

That is why, the interview of today may be useful for you.

We are going to interview Gonzalo Casas Software engineer at Gramazio Kohler Research of ETH Zurich. There, Gonzalo has developed the ROSlibPy a library that allows to create Python programs that can connect to ROS without having to install ROS in your system. It is very useful to interact from Linux, Windows or Mac machines with ROS robots

Selected quote:

“ROSlibPy allows non roboticists to interface with ROS based robots”

Gonzalo Casas

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RDP 037: Plotting ROS data using PlotJuggler with Davide Faconti

RDP 037: Plotting ROS data using PlotJuggler with Davide Faconti

Hi ROS Developers and welcome to the ROS Developers Podcast: the program, the podcast that gives you insights from the experts about how to program your robots with ROS.

I’m Ricardo Tellez, from The Construct.
Today, I would like to dedicate the podcast to all those ROS developers that want to display the series of data provided by a ROS topic in order to debug complex robot behaviors.

And related to that subject, today we are going to talk with Davide Faconti. This is the second time he is being in the podcast. On the previous interview, Davide talked about his packages for creating behavior trees easily in ROS.

Davide is a fervent developer of tools for robotics. So this time, he is going to talk about another super useful tool that he has developed. It is called PlotJuggler. Let’s learn with Davide what is PlotJuggler, how you can use and which are the best practices in order to get the most of it in ROS.

Selected quote:

“Plotjuggler is a simple application to visualize time series”

Davide Faconti

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RDP 036: ROS Industrial with Mirko Bordignon

RDP 036: ROS Industrial with Mirko Bordignon

Hi ROS Developers and welcome to the ROS Developers Podcast: the program, the podcast that gives you insights from the experts about how to program your robots with ROS.

I’m Ricardo Tellez, from The Construct.

Today, I would like to dedicate the podcast to all those ROS developers that try to make industrial robots work with ROS.

And related to that subject, today we are going to talk with Mirko Bordignon, a co.manager of ROS-Industrial Consortium Europe. He is going to tell us about what is this consortium, what is its goal, and how you can use ROS with industrial robots by using the software they are releasing.

Selected quote:

“ROS Industrial is an initiative to move software engineering for industrial robotics and automation into the 21st Century”

Mirko Bordignon

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RDP 035: The ROSin project with Thilo Zimmermann

RDP 035: The ROSin project with Thilo Zimmermann

Hi ROS Developers and welcome to the ROS Developers Podcast: the program, the podcast that gives you insights from the experts about how to program your robots with ROS.

I’m Ricardo Tellez, from The Construct.
Today, I would like to celebrate that we are on the second season of the ROS Developers podcast

Great! So for today, we are going to talk with Thilo Zimmermann, one of the leaders of the ROSin European Project, a project aiming to provide ROS-industrial quality assured robot software component.
The project has several components, and Thilo is going to teach us today which components are those and how can we contribute to them while getting some funding.

Selected quote:

“ROSin targets the shortcomings of ROS for industrial robots: software quality, training and software ecosystem”

Thilo Zimmermann

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