RDP 016: Expanding ROS through China with May Zheng from Gaitech

RDP 016: Expanding ROS through China with May Zheng from Gaitech

In this episode we talk with May Zheng from chinese company Gaitech. She will explain us:

– Is a very good moment now to sell ROS based products in Asia? How to start doing it?

– What are the main problems of selling ROS based products in China

– Which is the biggest market now in China for selling ROS based products

– Is there any chance that a Chinese ROS appears in China?

Selected quote from the interview:

Believe in you and believe in ROS and you will have a good future!

—-May Zheng

ROS in China with May Zheng from Gaitech

ROS in China with May Zheng from Gaitech

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RDP 015: Using ROS for Rescue Robots with Peter Kopias

RDP 015: Using ROS for Rescue Robots with Peter Kopias


In this episode, we talk about how Peter is using ROS to create rescue robots that win robotics contests.

He will explain what are the current limitiations of rescue robots and why they need a human pilot to drive them. He will also explain how they are doing the pilot interface using ROS. Additionally he will explain how his team are connecting the hardware with ROS by means of ROS Serial.

Many more details included about several rescue robotics competitions around the world.

Using ROS for rescue_robots_peter_kopias


Selected quote from the interview:

90% of the operation in a rescue robot is teleoperated. At present, it is very difficult for a cognitive system to decide whether to go to the right or to the left, in a collapsed building.

—-Peter Kopias

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RDP 014: Using MATLAB with ROS with Sebastian Castro

RDP 014: Using MATLAB with ROS with Sebastian Castro


In this podcast we are going to learn how to integrate MATLAB code with ROS code to provide access to your robot to powerful mathematical libraries.

Included in the podcast:

  1. What is MATLAB and Simulink
  2. What is the idea behind usingMATLAB with ROS
  3. How does MATLAB provide support for ROS
  4. What is the difference between Simulink and Gazebo
  5. Useful MATLAB packages that ROS users can benefit from
  6. Is MATLAB ready for ROS 2?
  7. A competition surprise the guys of MATLAB are preparing for the ROSCON 2018!
  8. … and many more things

ROS with MatLab with Sebastian Castro

Selected quote from the interview:

MATLAB supports both the ROS prototyping setup and the ROS production one.

—-Sebastian Castro

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RDP 013: The Need For Robotics Standards

RDP 013: The Need For Robotics Standards

In this episode I would like to talk about the need that robotics developers have of having a standard for robotics (in terms of API).

By having a robotics standard, developers can concentrate on building solutions that do not have to be re-implemented whenever the robot hardware changes. Actually, given the middleware structure, developers can disassociate so much from the hardware that they can almost rely 100% of its time in the software realm while developing for robotics

Selected quote from the podcast:

In my opinion, ROS is not yet the standard in robotics, but it is becoming the standard. At The Construct we really believe that is going to become the standard.

Ricardo Tellez

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RDP 012: Everything about ROS2 with Dirk Thomas

RDP 012: Everything about ROS2 with Dirk Thomas

Hi ROS Developers and welcome to the ROS Developers Podcast: the program, the podcast that gives you insights from the experts about how to program your robots with ROS.

In this episode, I talk to Dirk Thomas about ROS2 and some other details about development tools of ROS 1.

He will explain about:

  • Why roscd bring us to the devel directory instead of to the compilation directory.
  • Why they decided to change from rosbuild to catkin_make
  • What can be used ROS buildfarm for
  • Why ROS2 is necessary
  • How to use the ros1_bridge to connect ROS1 programs with ROS 2 ones
  • Some examples of ROS2 applications already working
  • What is the ROS2 roadmap
  • … and many more things

Selected quote from the interview:

With ROS2, the communication protocol is DDS which allows a completely distributed system. The main advantage is that you don’t have a central instance being the unique point of failure.

Dirk Thomas

Dirk Thomas talks about ROS2 for the ROS Developers Podcast

Dirk Thomas talks about ROS2 for the ROS Developers Podcast

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RDP 011: Building Robotics Products With David Crawley

RDP 011: Building Robotics Products With David Crawley

In this episode I talk to David Crawley founder of Ubiquity Robotics.

He will explain about the idea of using built robots for building more complex robotics products and applications. He will also explain about:

  • What their robotics platform provides off-the-shelf, in terms of hardware and software
  • Their own ROS distribution for Raspberry Pi
  • Their already training deep learning network for recognizing common objects from the Raspberry Pi
  • … and many more things

Selected quote from the interview:

To build a robotics platform for basic navigation on the street takes about two years and half a million dollars. But once  you have that base, building applications on top of it is fast! […] For instance, the application of robot cocktail waiter was build by a single person in 6’5 hours.

David Crawley

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