RDP 004: Using Docker to Cross-Compile ROS With Francisco Martin

RDP 004: Using Docker to Cross-Compile ROS With Francisco Martin

In this episode, I interview Francisco Martin, associated professor at the University Juan Carlos I in Madrid, where he teaches robotics by using ROS. He is also a participant of the Robocup and the ROCKin competitions. He will explain how have they hacked Pepper the robot by means of using docker machines to cross-compile ROS code for Pepper. Francisco will also tell us about with research work on applying cognitive architectures to the control of robots, using ROS Plan inside Pepper to figure out the situation of the robot.

Selected quote to from the interview

For the next Robocup we are going to use ROS2 because it has realtime communication between components. Actually, for the next ROSCON we are planning to have everything in Pepper running with ROS2

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RDP 003: Programming With ROS For The Robocup With Sam Pfeiffer

RDP 003: Programming With ROS For The Robocup With Sam Pfeiffer

In this session of The ROS Developers Podcast, I chat with Sam Pfeiffer, who is a PhD student at University of Technology, Sydney where he leads the team of the University that goes to the Robocup with the Pepper robot. Among other things, he will explain us how he ROSified Pepper for that competition. He will also talk about how other participants of the competition are using Deep Learning to win, and how you can do that with ROS. Finally, he will recommend us some useful tools for programming with ROS, like for example a tool that he coded himself that allows to identify the ROS messages used by a remote ROS system, and create automatically a definition for the ones that your system does not have, so you can talk to the remote ROS system.

Selected quote from the interview

I took the decision of not trusting the wifi of the competition, so we run the whole ROS inside the Pepper robot.

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RDP 002: Programming Field Service Robots With Ryan Gariepy

In this episode, Ryan Gariepy CTO of Clearpath Robotics talks about how they use ROS for field service robots. He will explain how he uses vim for coding with ROS their field service robots. He will also express his point of view about the current status of ROS based on his large experience on using ROS for real life service robots. Finally, he will give some recommendations to the new comers and indicate that there is a huge future with ROS at Clearpath. By the way… they are hiring!

Selected quote from the interview

If we did not use ROS for our products, we wouldn’t be in the market right now

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RDP 001: Programming Human Size Humanoid Robots With Luca Marchionni

RDP 001: Programming Human Size Humanoid Robots With Luca Marchionni


In this episode, Luca Marchionni CTO of Pal Robotics talks about how they use ROS for their humanoid robots. He will specifically describe how they achieved to control with ROS a human size humanoid robot that walks and required real time control. He will also reveal how they attached the NASA Space Robotics Challenge in order to reach third position at the competition. Finally, he will recommend one tool for ROS developers that helps them in their daily life as ROS developers.

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