106. ROS on Kubernetes with Tomoya Fujita

106. ROS on Kubernetes with Tomoya Fujita

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105. Managing fleets of robots with Open-RMF with Yadunund Vijay

105. Managing fleets of robots with Open-RMF with Yadunund Vijay

I would like to dedicate this episode to people that are thinking about building fleets of heterogeneous robots for automating whole businesses like pizzerias, hotels, or hospitals.

In this episode, you are going to learn how to make multiple robots navigate in a ROS2 environment, and how to use the Open-RMF to manage different fleets.

Now let me introduce you to Yadunund Vijay. Yadunund is one of the developers of the Open-RMF at Open Robotics in Singapore. He is also the technical leader of several other software projects using ROS2. What is the Open-RMF? Why do we need it? How does it work? Those are some of the questions that Yadunund will explain to us during this interview.

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103. Vulcanexus the all-in-one ROS2 toolset, with Jaime Martin Losa

103. Vulcanexus the all-in-one ROS2 toolset, with Jaime Martin Losa

I would like to dedicate this episode to people that are struggling with ROS2, but are not giving up.

In this episode we are going to learn about how to develop ROS2 programs with less effort, in a more efficient way, by using a set of ROS2 tools encapsulated in a distribution.

Now let me introduce to you Jaime Martin. Jaime is the CEO of eProsima the company developing Fast DDS, the default middleware for the upcoming release of ROS2 Humble. He is an expert in middlewares, and as such, he leads also the eProsima membership at the OMG and the Technical Steering committee of ROS2 and he is the responsible of eProsima contribution to the DDS standards.

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102. VSCode and ROS, with Lou Amadio

102. VSCode and ROS, with Lou Amadio

I would like to dedicate this episode to people that are working on developing the autonomous cars of the future. If you are thinking on using lidars, cameras then this episode is dedicated to you.

In this episode we are going to learn about how ROS can help in achieving the dreamed goal of building autonomous robots.

Now let me introduce you Lou Amadio. Lou is the principal software development lead for Azure Edge Robotics at Microsoft. His team works on ROS for Windows but he also leads other adjecent projects related to ROS and Microsoft services.

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101. Carla Open Source Autonomous Cars simulator, with Antonio Lopez

101. Carla Open Source Autonomous Cars simulator, with Antonio Lopez

Now let me introduce you Antonio Manuel Lopez, who is an ICREA Academia professor in the computer science department of the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona and principal investigator in autonomous driving at the computer vision center in Spain. He is one the responsible of the open source Carla project at computer vision center.

Welcome to the podcast Antonio!

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100. Towards Assured Robot Autonomy with ROS, with Patrick Musau

100. Towards Assured Robot Autonomy with ROS, with Patrick Musau

Now let me introduce you Patrick Musau, who is a graduated research assistant at the Institute for Software Integrated Systems of Vanderbilt University at the USA. He recently delivered an interesting presentation at the ROS World 2021 entitled Towards Assured Autonomy with ROS.

Let’s learn how ROS and Gazebo can help us to build the autonomous robots of the future!

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