82. Available ROS2 Hardware

82. Available ROS2 Hardware

Today we are going to talk about robots that exist running ROS2 as well as sensors that have ROS2 drivers available.

But before going into that, let me remind you about our ROS online academy. Yes, at the Construct we have created an online academy named The Robot Ignite Academy which contains a ROS learning path for beginners. The path is composed by:

Some other robotics theory courses included are:

Of course all our courses are based on practice with simulated robots! (theory+practice)

About the robots available

Turtlebot 3, by Robotis

This was the first commercial robot able to run ROS2 on it. Turtlebot3 was designed to run ROS1 by default, so if you buy it, it will come with ROS1 pre-installed. However, the guys from Robotis quickly prepared a tutorial about how to make your Turtlebot3 run ROS2. The full tutorial is here.

Hands-on With TurtleBot 3, a Powerful Little Robot for Learning ROS - IEEE  Spectrum

ROSbot, by Husarion.

Again, this robot default system is ROS1 but Husarion has released a full tutorial about how to change the default ROS version to ROS2. The full tutorial is here.


Rover Zero, by Rover Robotics

Same procedure as the previous 2. Default system is ROS1 but Rover provides a git repo with the code and instructions about how to install the ROS2 drivers for that robot. Check it out here.

Hadabot, by Hadabot

This is the first ROS2 native robot I have seen. It is a very simple robot with the main purpose of learn ROS2 while applying it to the real robot. Basically, just a pair of wheels with encoders, more than enough for learning basic ROS2. Check it out here.

Running Robot Operating System, ROS2, from the Web Browser with Docker –  Full-Stack Feed

e-puck 2, by GCTronic.

The e-puck 2 robot is a very small and cool robot with lots of sensors. The e-puck 2, from conception, it has nothing to do with ROS. However, recently Cyberbotics company created a ROS2 driver for that robot so we can now use this excellent robot with our favorite ROS. Here the drivers with tutorials.

e-puck v.2 – RoadNarrows Robotics

Open Manipulator, by Robotis

This is the only arm robot running ROS2 that I’m aware of. It is produced by the creators of the Turtlebot3 and, again, the robot boots initially with ROS1. However, the Robotis team have created a detailed tutorial about how to set this manipulator work with ROS2. Find the tutorial here.


About the sensors avaialble

Laser / LIDAR Sensors

  • Velodyne lidars: Drivers here for ROS2 Dashing
  • SICK lidars: Check this page for the drivers and the list of supported LIDARS
  • EAI YDLIDAR: Drivers here
  • Ouster OS-1 3D lidars: Drivers here for ROS2 Foxxy
  • Slamtech RPLidar: Drivers here (select the ROS2 branch).
  • Hokuyo URG laser: Drivers here.


Point Cloud Devices

  1. Orbbec Astra: Drivers here for ROS2 Dashing
  2. Intel RealSense D400 series cameras: Drivers here for ROS2 Dashing
  3. Xsense device: Drivers developed inside the Autoware.Auto project. Get them here.

IMU sensors

  • IMU Bosch BNO055: Drivers here
  • TrackIMU: Drivers here.
  • SBG System IMU: Drivers here for ROS2 Foxy


  • MNEA navsat based devices: Drivers here
  • NovAtel GPS: Drivers here for ROS2 Dashing


  • Denso Toyota/Lexus radar: Drivers here

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81. Building a ROS2 robotics startup with Nick Fragale

81. Building a ROS2 robotics startup with Nick Fragale

This episode is dedicated to all those people that are thinking about creating their own robotics company. May be you are a ROS Developer who have enough of working for others and want to make the step to lead your destiny.

Today we are going to talk about things to take into account when thinking about building your own robotics startup

But before going into that, let me remind you about our ROS online academy. Yes, at the Construct we have created an online academy named The Robot Ignite Academy which contains a ROS learning path for beginners. The path is composed by:

Some other robotics theory courses included are:

Of course all our courses are based on practice with simulated robots! (theory+practice)

Now let me introduce you Nicholas Fragale. Nicholas is co-founder of Rover Robotics a startup that builds wheeled robots for startups, educators and system integrators. He is going to tell us about his robots and his experience building a startup based on robots that run ROS2.

Welcome to the podcast Nick!

Related Links

Open Rover Robot 4WD Bundle - RobotShop

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80. Making ROS2 secure with SROS2 with Mikael Arguedas

80. Making ROS2 secure with SROS2 with Mikael Arguedas

Today we are going to talk about the security features included in ROS2 and how we can make use of the SROS2 package to make our robot based on ROS2 more secure.

But before going into that, let me remind you about our ROS online academy. Yes, at the Construct we have created an online academy named The Robot Ignite Academy which contains a ROS learning path for beginners. The path is composed by:

Some other robotics theory courses included are:

Of course all our courses are based on practice with simulated robots! (theory+practice)

And now let’s go with the guest of today. Mikael Arguedas, he has been for more than 3 years a ROS Developer at Open Robotics. He is one of the guys who makes ROS!!! Specially he was in charge of developing ROS2 mainly everything concerned about making ROS2 more secure. At present he is working as Robotic Software Lead at Neofarm, a company devoted to produce better results in agriculture.

Welcome to the podcast Mikael!

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79. The Future of Robot Development

79. The Future of Robot Development

Today I’m going to express my opinion about what is the future of robot developers. Why are they so important for creating intelligent robots? Which technologies will they need to master? All that and more on the episode of today.

Today’s episode is a presentation I delivered for the Atlanta Monthly Meetup hosted by Sebastian Arias las August. You will find the slides of the presentation below.

But before going into that, let me remind you about our ROS online academy. Yes, at the Construct we have created an online academy named The Robot Ignite Academy which contains a ROS learning path for beginners. The path is composed by:

Some robotics theory courses are:

Remember that all our courses are robotics-practice based. This means that, even if you are learning theoretical stuff, you are applying it to the simulated robots included in the course.

The slides of the presentation

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78. Everything About MoveIt with Dave Coleman

78. Everything About MoveIt with Dave Coleman

Today we are going to learn all the ins and outs of MoveIt, the ROS package created to easily perform motion planning of arms in the ROS framework.

But before going into that, let me remind you about our ROS online academy. Yes, at the Construct we have created an online academy named The Robot Ignite Academy which contains a ROS learning path for beginners. The path is composed by:

Some other advanced courses are:

Dave Coleman is the CEO of PickNik company, the company behind the development of MoveIt. He has been one of the main developers of MoveIt since the very beginning. He is also one of the developers of ROS Control. He is also an open source robotics advocate.

Welcome to the podcast Dave!

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77. Building Robotics Projects on Youtube with James Bruton

77. Building Robotics Projects on Youtube with James Bruton

This episode is dedicated to all those people that like to build robotics projects, to test new ideas for robots, to experiment with robotics solutions, and build robots that work.

Today we are going to talk about how to make a living doing what we love the most: building robotics projects one after another without having to care if it is going to be a successful business or not. Just do the projects that we want because we want!…. ooohhh that is the dream of every roboticist!

But before going into that, let me remind you about our ROS online academy. Yes, at the Construct we have created an online academy named The Robot Ignite Academy which contains a ROS learning path for beginners. The path is composed by:

Now let me introduce you James Burton. James is an electrical and mechanical engineer who dedicates to build robot projects and post the whole process online on his Youtube channel. He has built amazing electromechanical projects like the BB-8 robot, the batman skateboard or the OpenDog. He is the real Youtube Maker for robotics projects!

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