Eclipse Cyclone DDS for ROS 2 with Joe Speed


Written by Ricardo Tellez


Today, I would like to dedicate the episode to all those ROS developers that are working already with ROS 2. You are pioneering the next version of ROS, you are solving all the big bugs, you are providing all the. It is like you are moving on an uncharted territory so the rest of us can come later and do an easier job. Thank you for your hard work and making our ROS lives easier.

Today we are going to talk with one of the companies that are pushing ROS 2 forward with their DDS implementation.

But before going into that, let me remind you about our ROS online academy. Yes, at The Construct we have created an online academy named the Robot Ignite Academy which contains a ROS learning path for beginners. We start by teaching you Linux and Python for robotics, and we continue teaching you all the basic ROS concepts required to become a master of ROS. We conclude with a course that teaches you how to build your own robot and how to ROSify it, add ROS control to it so you can finally become a ROS Developer. You can find it at

So now, it is my pleasure to introduce you to Joe Speed. Joe is Field CTO of ADLINK Technology, a company that develops many things, but one of them, the most important for us as ROS Developers is that ADLINK has contributed an open source ROS middleware implementation.
Joe has a lot of experience in IoT systems, since he’s been working on the subject for many years at Linux Foundation, IBM and now ADLINK. Today he is going to talk with us about relation between IoT and robotics and how DDS plays a fundamental role in that relation.

Welcome to the podcast Joe!

Related links

Installing Eclipse Cyclone DDS:
apt install ros-dashing-rmw-cyclonedds-cpp
apt install ros-eloquent-rmw-cyclonedds-cpp
Running ROS with Eclipse Cyclone DDS:
Set the environment variable and run your ROS2 nodes as usual:
Confirming RMW:
In Eloquent, to confirm which RMW you’re using:
ros2 doctor –report

Reproduce the Cyclone DDS benchmark results easily

We created a rosject for ROS 2 Eloquent that allows you to reproduce the Cyclone DDS performance using the iRobot tests. Everything is installed already in the rosject so you can replicate the experiments without having to install anything (Cyclone DDS also installed). Documentation is included. Here the rosject:

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