ROS Control Python
Finally understand ROS_Control and how to use it on your robot

ROS Noetic

Course Overview
ROS Control is a set of packages and tools that allow you, basically, to send commands and communicate with the joints of your robot in order to be able to control them. For instance, you need ROS Control to move the wheels of a mobile robot, or to move the different joints of a robotic arm in an industrial plant. If you don’t master ROS Control, you won’t be able to make your robots take actions.
The main goal of this course is to teach you how to integrate this ros_control utility within a simulated environment, so you can use this tool to control the joints of your simulated robot.
Learning Objectives
- Learn the essential concepts of ROS_Control
- Configure ROS_Control on a Robot Simulation
- Create a custom controller
Simulation robots used in this course
Pi Robot, PRBot, UR5 Robot Arm
6h 15m
ROS Basics, Python Basics, Linux Basics, TF Basics, URDF Basics, C++ Basics
What projects will you be doing?
Configure the controllers
Set up your robot’s URDF files for using ros_control
Create a controller
Create a custom ROS controller that sends commands to your joints
ROS Control Challenge
Apply all the knowledge you’ve gained during this course to a UR5 robot arm project
What you will learn
Course Syllabus
Unit 1: Introduction to the Course
- Why ROS_Control is essential for your robot
- Practice First: test ros_control on a Pi-Robot
20 min.
Unit 2: ROS_Controls Essentials
- Different types of controllers
- How to connect ros_control to your robot using
Hardware Interfaces
1 hr. 20 min.
Unit 3: Configuring the Controllers
- How to set up your robot’s URDF files for using ros_control
- How to launch ros_control on your robot
- Using ros_control in a graphical way (rqt_gui)
1 hr. 30 min.
Unit 4: Create a controller
Learn how to create a custom controller for your robot from scratch.
1 hr.
Unt 5: QUIZ: Add ros_control to a UR5 manipulator robot.
- Examine the simulation
- Build the control package
- Test your package
- Create a controller
2 hrs.
Unit 6: Final Recommendations
Keep Learning
5 min.
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