In this post, we will see what a ROS message is all about! We’ll see how it relates to ROS nodes and topics.
Let’s go!
Step 1: Create a Project (ROSject) on ROSDS
Head to and create a project named “ros_message” or whatever you like. Please ensure you select “Ubuntu 16.04 + ROS Kinetic + Gazebo 7” under “Configuration”.
Step 2: Create source files
Pick a Shell from the Tools menu and run the following commands:
user:~$ cd catkin_ws/src user:~/catkin_ws/src$ touch #create the files user:~/catkin_ws/src$ chmod +x # make them executable
Pick the IDE from the Tools menu. Locate the folder catkin_ws/src
in the IDE’s file navigator, locate the corresponding files and paste the following code into them.
#! /usr/bin/env python import rospy rospy.init_node("sos_1") rate = rospy.Rate(2) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): print "Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope" rate.sleep()
#! /usr/bin/env python import rospy from std_msgs.msg import String rospy.init_node("sos_2") rate = rospy.Rate(2) help_msg = String() = "help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope" pub = rospy.Publisher('/help_msg', String, queue_size = 1) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): pub.publish(help_msg) rate.sleep()
#! /usr/bin/env python import rospy from std_msgs.msg import String def callback(msg): print "SOS received: '%s'!" %( rospy.init_node('help_desk') sub = rospy.Subscriber('/help_msg', String, callback) rospy.spin()
Step 3: Execute the files and observe…
First, start the ROS master in the background. Then check the ROS topics currently available:
user:~/catkin_ws/src$ nohup roscore & user:~/catkin_ws/src$ rostopic list /rosout /rosout_agg
Run this command in the current terminal. You should see the following output:
ser:~/catkin_ws/src$ ./ Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope ...
Pick another Shell from the Tools menu and run the following command. You should see that no additional topic has been created:
user:~$ rostopic list /rosout /rosout_agg
Stop the
program in the first terminal by pressing Ctrl + C
. Then run the
user:~/catkin_ws/src$ ./
Program is doing nothing? Nah, we shall see shortly. In the second terminal, rerun the last command:
user:~$ rostopic list /help_msg /rosout /rosout_agg
Ah, now we have a new topic: help_msg
! But where’s the help message? We’ll see that in the third program.
In the second terminal, run the obiwan_sub
user:~$ cd catkin_ws/src user:~/catkin_ws/src$ ./ SOS received: 'Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope'! SOS received: 'Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope'!
That’s the message being generated by the
Now, let’s put everything together.
Step 4: Master the Concept: What is a ROS message?
create similar messages. However, the message created by
is NOT a ROS message because:
- It didn’t use a recognized ROS message type.
- It was not sent over a ROS channel (topic).
publishes a message on the /help_msg
topic while obiwan_sub
subscribes to that topic and therefore gets the message.
In summary,
- ROS nodes communicate with one another through messages.
- They communicate over channels called topics.
- There are different types of messages for different tasks. For example, a node controlling a drone will tell the drone to take off using a ROS message type
over a topic that might be something like/drone/takeoff
. - Extra: when you send a message to a robot via the command line, you are a n*** …or at least behaving like one 🙂 .
If you are interested in how this works in detail or even you want to create your own messages, please check our ROS Basics In 5 Days (Python) course!
Extra 1: ROSject link
Get the ROSject containing all code used in the post in the following link:
Extra 2: Video
Prefer to watch a video demonstrating the steps above? We have one for you below!
Related Resources
If you are a ROS beginner and want to learn ROS basics fast, we recommend you take any of the following courses on Robot Ignite Academy:
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