In this video we are going to see how to make sure callback messages are being executed one at a time.
This is a video trying to answer the following question posted at the ROS answers forum:
▸ Original question:
▸ Robot Ignite Academy
▸ ROS Basics in 5 days (Python)
▸ ROS Development Studio (ROSDS)
Step 1. Create a project in ROS Development Studio(ROSDS)
We’ll answer this question by walking you through an example with ROSDS. With ROSDS, we can focus on solving the problem directly instead of finding Linux pc, install ROS and etc. You can create an account here for free. After registering, let’s create a new project and call it q_a_callback_processing.
Step 2. Create package
Then, we’ll create a package with dependencies
cd catkin_ws/src catkin_create_pkg my_pkg rospy std_msgs
Then create a folder called script under the package directory and a file called under the script directory with the content
#!/usr/bin/env python import rospy from std_msgs.msg import Int32 def publisher(): pub = rospy.Publisher('topic_name', Int32, queue_size=10) rospy.init_node('publisher') r = rospy.Rate(30) count = 1 msg = Int32() while not rospy.is_shutdown(): = count count = count+1 if count < 30 else 1 pub.publish(msg) rospy.loginfo(msg) r.sleep() if __name__ == '__main__': publisher()
You can see that the topic is publishing at 30 Hz.
To run it, you have to give it permission first with chmod +x , then you can run it with rosrun my_pkg . You’ll see the script starts to publishing message.
Now the publisher is working, let’s create a subscriber to subscribe to the topic. Let’s call it and fill it with the following content
#!/usr/bin/env python import rospy from std_msgs.msg import Int32 processing = False new_msg = False msg = None def callback(data): global processing, new_msg, msg if not processing: new_msg = True msg = data def listener(): global processing, new_msg, msg rospy.init_node('subscriber') rospy.Subscriber('topic_name', Int32, callback) r = rospy.Rate(5) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): if new_msg: #set processing to True processing = True new_msg = False #simulate a process that take 0.2 seconds rospy.loginfo(msg) r.sleep() #set processing to False processing = False if __name__ == '__main__': listener()
Here in the subscriber, we only run it for 5 Hz. Now you have to give it permission and run it. You’ll see that the subscriber only get 5 messages every second. This is the answer!
Take away today:
You can specify different rates and r.sleep() function for publisher and subscriber in order to make sure the node has enough time to run your algorithm.
Edit by: Tony Huang
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Hi. i have doubts with rospy publishing and i was hoping you could help me clear my doubts.
i have a code for the turtlebot3 burger, and i want it to follow a certain path and to follow this path it is using only 90 degrees movement. So in my code, i have four different function to move front, left, right and backwards. And all are publishing to the topic cmd_vel.
Q1. the steps inside “while not rospy.is_shutdown():” , i want it to occur once. not in a loop. is it possible to make the steps run once and if its possible how can i achieve it?
Q2. Is there a problem in having four rospy publishing fucntions in the same code?