Are you interested in sharing your robot simulations with other people? Would you like to have them used by many people?
Then the best thing you can do is to have it available in RDS!
The ROS Development Studio (RDS), is a web and cloud based application where you can simulate and develop ROS programs for any kind of robot. If you have a simulation in RDS, everything people will need in order to test and work with your simulation will be a web browser! So, by having your simulation in RDS, you will be providing a 1-click access to your simulations to many people. Sounds interesting, right?
But… what do you need to do in order to have your simulation in RDS? Let’s break it down into some easy steps:
1. Create the simulation
First of all, you will need to create a new simulation in RDS, and upload your simulation packages to it. Bear in mind that RDS
supports Gazebo 7, so your simulation must be compatible with this simulator. Check that your simulation works properly, and that you can launch it using the launch files.
If you get stucked in this step, you can send us your simulation files, or send us the address of the repository containing the
simulation to the following address:
We will help you with this process.
2. Create the Notebook
Once the simulation is working properly, it is time to create a Notebook for it. This notebook should consist of some basic
tips about how to use your simulation. For instance:
– What are the most important topics to look at.
– How to move/control your robot.
– Important services/actions available in your simulation.
– A basic script in order to interact with your robot.
The notebooks is the documentation for the users that want to use your simulation. This notebook is very important, since it will
guide users that want to work with your simulation.
You can have a look at the notebooks attached to any of the Public simulations that are already available in RDS in order to see
an example of how it should be.
Once the notebook is created, you can then click the Save button of the Notebook, in order to Save the changes. Finally, click the Save button in the bottom menu in order to save the whole project.
3. Share your project with us
Share your project with us. For that, you just need to click on the Share button related to your project, and share with the user
We will receive your whole project, and evaluate that everything is correct. Finally, we will publish your simulation in RDS as
Public, so anyone will be available to access to it.