Create ROS Server to Access Pan & Tilt

Create ROS Server to Access Pan & Tilt


Learn how to create a ROS node server and some custom messages to access the real Pan & Tilt. This way any ROS program will be able to access the Pan & Tilt and will serve as the base for creating a simulation in the next video.

Git of Pan And Tilt Project

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Related courses & tutorials

3D Models

[Morpheus Chair] Pan & Tilt with Raspberry Pi and ROS | S3.Ep.1

[Morpheus Chair] Pan & Tilt with Raspberry Pi and ROS | S3.Ep.1


In this video, you are going to learn how to set up your raspberry pi to use the Pan & Tilt Hat created by WaveShare.
We will create a python class to move the two servos and test all its functionality.

Remember to leave a message of love to ANKI 馃槈 with the Hashtag #WeLoveYouANKI

List of materials

Related courses & tutorials

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How to build a Raspberry Pi & ROS Camera Robot | Ep.3

How to build a Raspberry Pi & ROS Camera Robot | Ep.3


In this video, you will learn how to mount the robot in an autonomous system. We will learn:
– How to install the Raspberry Pi Camera.
– How to do ssh to Raspberry Pi, remote desktop and install ROS kinetic in Raspberry Pi Ubuntu Mate.
– How to start a roslaunch that will allow us to move with the keyboard through ssh the robot
– How to see the images published in ROS of the camera.

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Useful links

3D Models

#ROS #RaspberryPi #Robot #rostutorials #Ubuntu #camera #ssh #ROS in RaspberryPi #kinetic

[Morpheus Chair] Build the Structure of a ROS Raspberry Pi Robot #Ep.1

[Morpheus Chair] Build the Structure of a ROS Raspberry Pi Robot #Ep.1

Welcome to Morpheus-Chair, the program where you will learn how to build a ROS RaspBerry Pi Robot to be used as a foundation to learn all there is in this fascinating world of Robotics.
In this first video, we introduce the video series and teach you how to assemble the chassis step-by-step.


Original Track:
Thanks to NewRetroWave for letting us use their music.
Here more info:

New Retro Wave + Bachelor of Hearts Aurora Borealis

Smooth vibes for you retro soul. Listen and enjoy.
OUT NOW on NRW Records:…


Artwork provided by Murryous, who is our featured artist for May. Please support him:

3D Models:
Orange Robot:

Sphere Robot:

Robot Parts:

Mars Lander:

[ROS Projects] – ROS with Raspberry Pi 3 using Gazebo Face Simulation #Part 4

[ROS Projects] – ROS with Raspberry Pi 3 using Gazebo Face Simulation #Part 4


In this video, you will learn how to use the Face Landmarks published in Part2 to make the MagicMirror Face move in simulation.聽

Want to start developing for ROS now? Check out RDS:

Want to learn more about how to move a robot in ROS? Check out the RobotIgniteCourse on URDF robot generation:

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