This is a question that I get asked all the time: “Do you recommend me to learn ROS with C++ or Python?” As you may know, you can create ROS programs mainly in two programming languages: Python and C++. There are other languages available like Swift, Lisp...
In this episode, Krzysztof will explain us about using cheap, fast, small and light weight time of flight sensors on drones in outdoor environments. We will discuss about distances that those sensors can reach, frequency of update, interference between sensors...
In this episode I talk to Roberto Guzman who will tell us about how to speed up our robot building by using certified ROS components. He also talks about how easy he feels that is to transfer results from simulation to real robot, about the ROSCON, IROS and...
In this episode Martin Pecka will talk about the Tensorflow ROS cpp package, a ROS package he created to simplify the use of Tensorflow within a ROS node and to provide a universal interface to ROS programs, independently on how Tensorflow was installed in the...
In this video we are going to explain about a problem trying to build a ROS C++ node using ros::Time and ros::Duration. It is because the order of the terms in sum operation matters. You can check in the video it is simple to solve but it can be a trap if you do not...