What follows is the ROS story of Paschalis Pelitaris from France. Paschalis is a ROS student at the Robot Ignite Academy, and he wanted to share his ROS engagement with all of us. How my interest grew From an early age, I was fascinated by the notion of autonomous...
What follows is the ROS story of Simon Steinmann from Canada. Simon is a ROS student at the Robot Ignite Academy, and he wanted to share his ROS engagement with all of us. What is ROS Before going into details about my Thesis and my reasons for using ROS, let me give...
What follows is the ROS story of Shahram Najam from Pakistan. Shahram is a ROS student at the Robot Ignite Academy, and he wanted to share his ROS engagement with all of us. Why ROS? So, for this article, it would be appropriate to give a brief background of who I am...